X. pretty woman

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( real life )

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( real life )

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"Kate, I swear to God if you move one more time I'm gonna hit you with this brush" Indi laughed brushing through the girls long blonde hair.

"You're taking foreverr" Kate whined picking at her nails.

"Stop picking your nails" the raven haired girl spoke before she went in with a smoothing brush to get rid of any bumps.

"Fine mom" Kate rolled her eyes as she felt her hair be tied into a ponytail. Indi then used the brush to get rid of any tangles in the girls ponytail.

"Your hair is so pretty I'm jealous" Indi says starting to braid the rest of her hair making sure to be careful and not pull too hard.

"Whatever" Kate laughed as Indi put an elastic on the end of her hair. The blonde turned around on the floor to look up at the girl sitting in the bed.

"I'm serious Martin, you got some luscious locks on you" Indi laughed looking down at the girl below her pulling her now braided ponytail onto her shoulder. She took this moment to really look at the girl she called her best friend for all those years. The way her freckles cascaded over her cute nose and the way her eyebrows perfectly framed her face. How her the outer corners of her eyes wrinkled when she looked confused, just the way they looked in this very moment.

"What?" Kate questioned very confused as to why Indigo was so intently staring at her, "Do I have something on my face?" she asked moving her hands to cover her face, which Indigo quickly removed.

"No, I'm just lookin at you" Indi smiled making a rose color cross against Kate's face, which she quickly hid by standing up.

"Are we still going to eat later?" Kate asked turning into the full length mirror Indigo had in her bedroom.

"Mhm" Indigo hummed looking at the girl from the bed still. Indigo knew that she had found the girl attractive back in high school, but she didn't realize that she still felt that towards the girl, she figured after a few years she'd grow out of it.

"I'll see you at Cactus" Kate smiled turning around before the two girls in embraced in a small hug, then right after the blonde rushed out of the apartment wanting to make sure she wasn't late.

Indi laid back against her headboard scrolling through social media, until she heard Ysa drop her keys on the kitchen counter. She could only slightly make out her voice, but she could tell that she was on the phone with someone.

"I'm sure Kate and Indi won't be here, they always go out to eat after practice" Ysa's voice was low, but still loud enough to hear. Indi got up off her bed and walked over to her door trying to hear better. "Mhm, I'll pick us up food. Don't be late Clark or your ass is grass, got it? Kk bye" was the last thing Indi heard, which meant the phone call was over.

Why was Ysa on the phone with Caitlin, is all Indigo could think about. She rarely saw the two girls talk when they were all in a group setting and the blonde never talked about her when they were alone. The dark haired girl didn't even know the two had each others contact numbers, but she decided to not dwell on it for long.

Not long after the conversation Indigo could hear Ysa's footsteps heading their way to her room, so she quickly jumped on her bed to look as if she had not been eavesdropping seconds prior. Then just as she settled herself on the bed the door swung open revealing her best friend in sweats and a tank top with messy hair.

"You good?" Indi giggled making room for the girl to sit down across from.

"Long day" was all she said before collapsing down on the bed.

"Oh um by the way Ys, like just totally out of the random, like seriously I'm just wondering, do you think Kate likes girls? I—um—I just ya know have never seen her date someone, so I was wondering if you maybe knew?" Indi asked fiddling with her phone trying to seem like she didn't care, but deep down she knew she did.

"She does, why—oh my God! Oh my God! You like her!" Ysa sprung up from the bed.

"I do not!" Indigo protested pushing herself against her headboard even more trying to escape her crazy best friend.

"I so called it, Jada owes me $10" Ysa giggled pulling her phone out until it was snatched away by her best friend.

"Nuh-uh. I do not like like Kate Martin" Indi shook her head still holding the other girls phone in her hand.

"You sure about that cause your bright red face says otherwise. Plus I mean you're always staring at her" the blonde shrugged like it was the most obvious thing.

"I do not stare"

"Really? Anytime we are with the team you are standing right beside her, or practically sitting on her lap like shes Santa, as you look at her all lovey dovey. Also ever since y'all became friends again she is all you talk about!" Ysa spoke as if all of these things were facts, but Indi couldn't help but deny it. She just got Kate back, she couldn't lose her again because of pure attraction.

"So I can't admire my friends now?" Indi crossed her arms staring at the girl sitting across from her.

"You don't look at me like that" Ysa laughed stealing her phone back and going onto TikTok to scroll.

There was no possible way Indigo Aro liked Kate Martin. They're just friends, and Indigo did not want to ruin something she had just gotten back after years. So, she decided she was going to bury it deep down inside of her so that no one would know about it.

It's normal to think your friends are pretty, right?

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