Chapter Six

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It was a gorgeous day.

The sky was a brilliant blue, with only the odd fluffy cloud floating along to break up the expanse. The air was warm, but not too warm, and a light breeze rustled the leaves of the acacia trees under which they had taken shelter. If he was at home, this was the kind of day that Stephen would spend running and jumping and swimming, he might even enjoy a spar against Cafos in this weather.

Today, however, there was no enjoyment to be found in the sunshine, as Stephen was trapped beneath the canopy of trees to avoid being spotted from the air. The beautiful weather seemed almost mocking to him, as if the world was uncaring of the storm that raged inside his head. His gaze was focused dully on a faraway hill, trying to ignore the hunger pangs that had woken him up a few hours before. He missed his home. But, was his home ever what he thought it was?

Alexis was still sleeping, curled up into a ball at the base of the tree behind him. He felt, against his will, slightly bitter with her for setting into motion the events that had led him here. But he was just as much at fault, and it was his choice to go with her. It was ultimately Lucius's fault for trying to kill her.

His thoughts continued around and around in that manner for another hour or so, regretting his decision to leave, justifying it, blaming himself, his mentor, his friends, then starting over. Finally, as the sun had nearly reached its peak, Alexis stirred.

"Morning sleepyhead." He murmured as she lifted her head, blinking blearily out at her surroundings.

"Mornin'... Stevie." Alexis flipped over on her back, stretching and then going limp in the grass. "You... okay?"

"Yeah." More or less. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a pardoned prisoner." Alexis sighed, gazing up at the sky. "We should go."

"Go where?" Stephen glanced down the valley.

"Forward, I guess. And look for some food along the way." Alexis pushed herself up. "Water, too."

"Right." Stephen got to his feet, took her hand, and they set off.

They stayed under the trees as much as possible, Stephen anxiously scanning the sky for any sign of pursuers while Alexis watched the ground for food. They came across a couple of wild carrots, but the vegetables didn't last them long, and Stephen was wondering if he would have to hunt for food once it got dark. After about an hour of walking, they spied a river that cut through the valley in the distance - and beyond that, a town.

"Look." Alexis pointed, drawing his attention down from the sky. "There's a town there." Stephen frowned.

"Do you think it would be wise to enter?"

"I can't see why not. We can probably find something to eat in there."

"But we have no money." Stephen protested. Alexis raised a brow at him.

"I'm quite good at getting things for free."

"You- ah." Stephen narrowed his gaze at her. "We're not going to steal."

"It's either that, or we starve, because I'm not begging."

"No, we won't." Stephen gave a firm shake of his head. "I'm not planning on begging either, but you said no one would hire you because you don't look physically capable, right?" Alexis raised a brow, nodding. "Well," Stephen gestured to himself. "I think I could manage."

"Yes, but can you get a job?" Alexis asked skeptically. "Have you ever spoken to anyone outside of your camp? Other than me?" Stephen frowned.

"You do a task for someone and they give you money for it. It doesn't seem that complex."

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