Chapter Seventeen

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Cafos lifted Stephen's limp hand, then let go, frowning as it thudded back to the dirt.

"Huh. He's really out."

"He does this sometimes." Alexis told him, sitting on the grass with her knees hugged tight to her chest. "He... blacks out and won't wake up for a while."

"Oh." Cafos sat back on his knees, frowning. " long?" Alexis shrugged.

"Not too long. A few hours."

"Oh." Cafos could recall a few times that Stephen had stumbled dizzily away after a particularly difficult exercise (or sparring session with him) and disappeared into his tent to sleep. Lucius had told him that Stephen's powers took a great deal of his energy and required him to rest. And, yeah, he'd teleported a couple of times, but... not as many as Cafos had seen him perform in the past with no issue.

"Think he'll be alright?" He said at last, standing up to go sit next to Alexis. The redhead scooted away from him a bit.

"Yeah." She said. "Sure he'll be fine." Cafos was quiet for a moment, trying to study her without staring. She was soaking wet from her dip in the river, her new clothes plastered to her skin- he quickly looked away.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly. Alexis didn't answer for a moment.

"Yeah." She answered at last. "M' just fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Yeah, well, because I look like an idiot, don't I?" She buried her face in her knees. "If I hadn't- hadn't thrown a fit for no reason, Stephen wouldn't be hurt." Her voice cracked on the last word, and Cafos winced. He was entirely unprepared to deal with a crying female.

"Well, your heart was in the right place." He tried. "We needed food, and you deemed yourself the most competent fisherman. Woman. Even if there was some... miscommunication." Alexis didn't seem cheered by this. "I know it's been a hard few days for you." Cafos pressed on. "Weeks, really." No thanks to him. "And tensions have been high. I can't blame you for being... volatile." Still nothing.

Cafos pursed his lips, then said, "Look, you're right, it was your fault. But moping won't change what you've done, you've already apologized, now all you can do is not do it again." Alexis frowned into her knees, not answering for a bit. Finally, she lifted her head to give him a small glare.

"That's... pretty wise for a meathead." She admitted. Cafos opened his mouth to protest. Closed it.

"Thanks." He said instead. Alexis smirked at him, then rested her chin on her arms again.

"We still need food." She murmured.

"We could try fishing again." Cafos mused. Though, he doubted he could catch a fish with his hands, Stephen was currently out, and Alexis had been swept away last time she'd tried. Maybe if they tied a rope to her, or something...

"Where's my bucket?" The redhead spoke up suddenly. Cafos blinked at her.

"Upstream where we left it, I suppose."

Alexis lurched upright. "'M gonna go get it."

"Wait." Cafos shot up as well. "By yourself?"

"Either that or we leave Stephen here alone." She pointed out. Cafos cast a glance at Stephen, passed out on his back on the riverbank.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." He said. "I can't imagine why anyone would be passing this way - as opposed to you, who will be going near the road." Alexis leveled him with a stare, but finally nodded.

"Alright." She turned away, beckoning her with him. "C'mon."

Cafos followed Alexis back towards where they had started at the bridge, trailing a few feet behind her as she picked her way through the undergrowth. He kept his wings tight against his back to avoid his feathers dragging through the damp brush- as tight as he dared, anyway, as his right wing throbbed whenever he moved it. The pain had lessened gradually since he was initially injured, but the limb was still far too tender to use.

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