Chapter Ten

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Herobrine stood on the edge of a cliff, the handle of his sword hanging loosely in his hand as he watched the procession far below. The traveling party consisted of a carriage, inside which the Lady of Belmourne rode, while four horsemen and a dozen valkyries made up her escort. Lord Herobrine typically did not concern himself with humans, they meant nothing to him, but Lady Eydis was special - she was returning from a trip to the Aether. Had Herobrine caught up with her sooner, he may not have to do this, but the location of the portal still eluded him.

Slowly, the man stalked along the edge of the cliff, one leg dragging as it throbbed painfully with each step. He didn't know if it was a quality of aetherian arrows, or if the wound had simply been particularly bad, but his leg had never properly healed. It didn't matter. This physical pain paled in comparison to the agony in his soul.

The caravan entered a narrow passage between two mountains, and Herobrine teleported, appearing behind the last rider and killing him with a swift thrust through his heart.

The man's dying cry was enough to alert the rest of the guards, and Herobrine teleported again, tackling a valkyrie and killing her before she had a chance to get off the ground. An arrow struck the ground next to him, and he flipped over, scrambling upright and striking the next arrow out of the air. His silver longsword felt more like a short sword in his hand, designed for a smaller person, but he had learned a long time ago how to use it effectively.

Movement caught his eye and he turned as a valkyrie rose into the air, but his plan had worked - between the two sheer cliff faces, there wasn't much room to move. The enhanced mobility that the valkyries' wings afforded them was all but useless here. One of the riders bore down on him, and Herobrine slashed at the horse's legs, forcing the animal to dance aside to avoid it and letting Herobrine make quick work of the unbalanced rider.

The airborne valkyrie swooped down at him with eyes locked on his throat. Herobrine hesitated for a moment, feigning surprise, but moved with deadly precision the moment the warrior was in range to attack. The valkyrie's perfect feathers were stained red when he hit the ground. Another arrow flew past his ear and he set his sights on the archer, teleporting several feet into the air to add momentum to his attack.

Before he knew it the battle was over. Herobrine lowered his sword to his side, blank gaze shifting from one body to the next to ensure that they were all dead. Once this was done, he moved towards the carriage, bringing the pommel of his sword down on the lock to break it before pulling open the wooden door.

There were two women inside. One was dressed in simple linens and the other clothed in finery, so it was to the latter that Herobrine directed his attention.

"My lady." He spoke, his voice rough from disuse. "I do apologize for this disturbance." Lady Eydis only knitted her brow slightly. A skilled politician, of course she would not show the fear that her maid did as the younger woman cringed back at the sight of him.

"Are you a thief? I carry no valuables with me."

"Oh, I'm sure you do not." Herobrine stepped up onto the first step, leaning on his good leg to give the other a rest. "It isn't riches that I seek, but information. I have heard you recently held an audience with Notch."

The Lady's jaw tightened. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me!" Herobrine snapped, causing the poor maid to huddle against the far wall. "Speak the truth and I will spare you both. Lie to me, and your bodies will join those of your escort." The Lady's gaze flicked over to her maid's side, then back to him.

"You heard correctly."

"As I thought." Herobrine leaned against the entryway, ensuring that both women could see his bloody sword. "Where is the Aether portal."

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