Chapter 8 - Enclosed Area.

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Later That Evening.

Brianna was doing her normal thing, she was getting ready for bed. She checks her phone, it's 9:47. She groans in annoyance, "That late, already?" She mumbles to herself. She walks into her bathroom, she grabs a small headband and puts it on, keeping her hair back. She squeezes some of her face wash into her palm, she rubs it together with her hands then rubs it on her face. She turns on the sink, she closes her eyes as she begins to wash off her face. She turns off the sink, then looks up. She opens her eyes, everything's normal. She takes a small towel, then dries her face off. She squeezes some moisturizer into her palm now, she rubs her hands together again, then rubs it into her skin. She takes a small, face gua sha. She massages her face with it quickly, then sets it back down onto the counter. She takes off the headband, then begins to put her hair into a ponytail. As she is, her phone begins to ring. She rolls her eyes, she puts her hair down. She grabs her phone and looks, it's an unknown number calling. She answers, "Who is it?" The voice responds, "Hello." She asks, "Is this another telemarketer? Because if so, I am NOT interested." The voice replies, "No, no, no. This isn't a telemarketer, I'm actually a good friend of yours." Brianna asks, "Okay? Who?" The voice chuckles, "Wouldn't you like to know." Brianna scoffs, "Okay, I have better things to be doing. Goodbye." She hangs up on the caller, she finishes putting her hair up into a ponytail. She begins to change into her pajama set, she gets it on then leaves her closet. She goes to open her bedroom door, when her phone begins to ring, yet again. She groans in annoyance, she grabs her phone. Again, it's the same unknown number. She answers, "What?" The voice responds harshly, "Don't hang up on me." Brianna replies, "Then don't be all weird on the phone with me, like just tell me who you are." The voice responds, "You'll know soon, don't worry." Brianna sighs, "Okay, let me guess..this is someone from the group, you're gonna try to scare me, huh?" The voice replies, "Hm, maybe. Who knows." Brianna chuckles, "Yeah, well...good luck, the only thing that scares me is going broke. Which will never happen." The voice replies, "I think you'll be saying otherwise soon." Brianna responds, "Right, we'll definitely see that happen." Brianna then hears her father's yell come from downstairs, then she hears it come in through the  other line of the phone. She gasps, the killer is breathing a bit heavier when they finally ask, "...Scared yet?" Brianna hangs up on the caller, she keeps her phone tight in hand. She walks towards her bedroom door, "...Dad?" Theres no reply, she opens the door. She peeks her head out, all the lights are on, but she can't see what's going on downstairs. She goes to the top of the staircase, "Dad? Everything okay?" She gulps, she then begins to slowly walk down the long staircase. She finally makes it downstairs, she doesn't see anything. But she hears their record player scratching quietly in the distance, she looks down the long hallway leading to the front door. She sees the front door is cracked open, she rushes over and quickly shuts it. She locks it as well, her heart is racing. She walks over to the record player, then takes the needle off the vinyl, finally making the quiet scratching stop. She turns around and calls out again, "Dad..?" She walks into the kitchen, she sees something that catches her eye. She sees a small pool of blood, she sees her reflection in it. She stops, chills run down her spine. She walks around the kitchen island, until she finally sees it. Her father lying on the kitchen floor, his throat slashed. A large pool of blood surrounding him, Brianna stumbles back. She holds back a gag, then finally a horrible scream rips out of her throat.

She turns to run out of the front door, when shes met face to face with the masked killer. They hold a bloody knife in their hand, Brianna steps back. They tilt their head and take a step forward, taunting her. Brianna pleads, "Please, just wait.." The killer shakes their head, continuing to walk closer to Brianna. Brianna then turns back, she rushes into her living room. The killer follows slowly behind her, teasing her. She grabs a fire poker off the fireplace, she holds it at the killer. The killer takes a step back, they glares straight at her. She swings the fire poker at the killer, they jump back, barely dodging the hit. She tries to go around the couch, but the killer also goes the same way. They swing their knife at her, slashing her arm. She cries out in pain, letting go of the fire poker with one hand. The killer uses that chance, they grab the end of the fire poker and yank it away and out of Briannas hands. She gasps, they swing it at her as fast as they can. She ducks just in time, she quickly runs around the couch and runs to the front door. She grabs the handle and turns it, forgetting she had locked it earlier. She gasps as she looks back to see the killer lunging at her, she ducks down. The killers knife gets sent through the door, Brianna shoves the killer harshly. They grunt, she runs past them and upstairs. She runs back into her bedroom, she slams then locks the bedroom door quickly. She dials 911 on her phone as fast as she can, as soon as it begins to dial, the killer starts banging and kicking on her bedroom door. The other line picks up, "911, what is your emergency?" Brianna replies frantically, "Theres someone in my house, they killed my dad and they're trying to kill me-!" The operator asks, "Okay miss, what is the address to your house?" Brianna stammers, "Uuh, i-it's..I don't fucking know, I've never done this!" As soon as she says that, the killer kicks the door in. Brianna lets out a loud scream, the killer lunges at her. They tackle her to the floor, she squirms around. "GET OFF ME!" The killer raises their knife, they bring it down, but Brianna moves just in time, making it only go into her shoulder. She lets out a scream in pain, she uses all her strength and kicks the killer off of her. They stumble back, then bump into her doorframe. Brianna cries as she pulls herself up, she holds her hand over her shoulder. She tries to run past the killer, but they grab her arm, she rips it away just in time. She makes it out of the bedroom, she rushes to the staircase..but she then feels a set of hands harshly shove her down the long staircase, she tumbles down the stairs aggressively. She snaps her arm on one step before reaching the bottom of the stairs, she screams loudly again. Brianna grunts, she looks back up at the staircase. She sees the killer staring down at her, they begin to slowly walk down towards her. Brianna whimpers in pain as she begins to crawl towards the front door, in absolutely horrible pain. Brianna finally reaches her front door, she reaches up for the lock. But she feels a hand grab her leg, then pull her back. She cries out in fear, she feels the hand grab her shoulder and turn her over. The killer brings their knife down, Brianna brings her hand up. Causing the knife to go through her hand, she screams loudly in pain. The killer rips the knife up, slicing a big cut into Briannas hand. Brianna holds her hand in shock, she's screaming bloody murder. The killer slashes at Briannas throat, Brianna gargles on blood. The killer stabs her in the chest, then the stomach as well. They go absolutely crazy on her, until theirs a large, gaping hole in Briannas stomach, making her inside visible. Brianna finally goes limp, the killer stands up. They step over Briannas body, walk over to the front door. They unlock it and open the door, before they leave they turn and take one last look at what they'd just done. They turn back and rush away from Briannas house, disappearing into the darkness of the night.

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