Chapter 2 - Family Gathering.

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The Next Day.

It's a bright, sunny day. A perfect day to be outside, there's two people standing out on the porch of their apartment. Charlie Mitchell, and his girlfriend, Mandy Levy. Mandy breathes in the air, "Finally, a nice day." Charlie chuckles, "You appreciating the sun for once? I thought rainy days fit your "aesthetic" now." Mandy smacks his arm, "Shut up, I mean it does. But still, I've always appreciated the sun." Charlie nods, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." Charlie feels a buzz come from his phone, he pulls it out of his jeans pocket and looks. An unsaved number texts him, "Please call me" "It's urgent" Mandy peeks a look at his phone, "Who's that?" Charlie sighs, "Uh, it's my mom. I deleted her contact a while ago, but I guess she saved mine." Mandy asks, "You gonna call? She's been texting you like all morning, you haven't responded to a single one." Charlie hesitates, "I don't know, Mandy..I really don't want to talk to her again." Mandy replies, "I know, but..just see what's up, if it's bullshit, then ignore her." Charlie looks down at the notification, he finally gives in. He presses the phone symbol next to the number, then holds it up to his ear. It rings for a moment, then the other line finally picks up. "Charlie?" He replies, "Yeah?" His mother responds, "Please, you need to get over here." He sighs, "Mom, I'm not going back there. I'm not looking for an apology or anything, I just wanna move on in my-" She cuts him off, "Stop it, Charlie. It's not that, your sister was almost killed last night." Charlie stops, "...What?"
She continues, "Someone in a ghostface mask came to her job, killed her friend, and nearly killed her." Charlie asks, " she okay?" She replies, "Yes, but she was cut up pretty bad." A pause goes by, "Charlie, she really could use having you here. Please. It's all I'm asking." Charlie hesitates, then lets out a soft sigh, "I'll be there in a bit." He hangs up, he looks back at Mandy. She gives him a questionable look, "Someone tried to kill my sister last night." Mandys eyes widen, "Oh my God, is she okay?" He nods, "Yeah, she's alive. But they got her kinda good." She asks, "You're going?" He nods, "I have to, I do want her to get better. If it means I have to be there for it, I'm gonna do it." She nods, "Okay, I'll uuh..I'll pack a bag." He intervenes, "Wait, wait, wait, you're gonna go?" She responds, "I'm not making you go by yourself, it will be less awkward not being alone." He chuckles, "Yeah, true." They both go inside the apartment, and begin to pack for their adventure back.

We see a hospital waiting room, theres a bunch of people sitting in there. We see one boy looking especially impatient, it's Ian Macy, Karas boyfriend. He mutters to himself, "God, when are they gonna let her leave..?" Justin looks over at him, "Look Ian, I'm sure she'll be out soon." Ian replies, "I hope so, I'm just really worried about her." Isla chimes in, "Why, because her brother's coming?" Ian looks over at Isla, "Charlie's coming here?" Isla nods, "Yeah, did she not tell you guys?" They all shake their heads, Ruth musters up, "Okay, I know we all have our thoughts about Charlie..but we have to be civil, for Kara."
Justin nudges Ben, "Who do you think did it?" Ben shrugs and makes a weirded out face, "I don't know, man..why would I even wanna think about that?" Justin lays off, "Right, sorry." They hear the main entrance doors open, they all see Charlie and Mandy burst in. Charlie rushes over to the front desk, Mandy follows behind him. Ian scoffs, "He really brought his GIRLFRIEND?" Ruth responds, "Relax, I'm sure he needed to bring somebody to feel comfortable." The front desk lady nods, then points to a hospital room down a hallway. Charlie and Mandy both walk down the hallway, then up to the hospital room. Justin asks, "Wait, why can he go in, but we can't?" Isla replies, "Probably because he's her family." Justin nods.
Charlie knocks on the door, he's clearly nervous. Mandy squeezes his hand in reassurance, they hear Karas voice call out to them. "Come in." Charlie opens the door softly, then pokes his head in. Kara is stable, and standing thankfully. But she has bandages all over her legs, and arms. "Charlie..?" Charlie clears his throat, "Kara.." Charlie looks over at her, he's never wanted to see her like this. She looks down, "Uhm, what are you doing here..?" Charlie replies, "Mom called, I wanted to see you.." Kara asked, "What, only after I just got almost murdered last night?" Charlie shakes his head, "Kara, please..I really did want to see you, I mean it." She looks over to Mandy, "Who's that?" Charlie responds, "Oh, this is Mandy. She's my girlfriend." Mandy holds her hand out, "Hi, it's really nice to meet you. I wish it was under different circumstances." Kara shakes her hand and gives a small smile, "It's really nice to meet you too." Charlie clears his throat, "What even happened?" Kara stammers, "..Uuh..Mandy, do you think you could just give us a minute, please-?" Mandy nods, "Oh, yes. Totally." Charlie gives her a small smile as she leaves the room, as soon as she does, Karas demeanor changes. She seems a lot more open, and even a bit emotional. Charlie can notice, he opens his arms, "Come here." Kara limps a bit over to Charlie, then wraps her arms around him. "They killed my friend..they almost killed me, Charlie." He holds her close, "I know, I know. I'm so sorry." She finally pulls back, she wipes her eyes. "Okay, I just wanna go home...I've been here all night." Charlie nods, "Okay, don't worry. I'll get you home." Kara asks, "Are you gonna stay?" Charlie thinks, "Um..maybe for a little, I do have to-" Kara cuts him off, "Please, Charlie. I don't want you to leave again." He looks down at her, he feels really bad, "I won't." She smiles slightly, "Beware of mom when we get home though, I don't know how she'll act around you." Charlie chuckles, "Trust me, I'm already like shaking in my boots." Kara laughs softly.
Charlie asks, "You ready?" She nods. They both grab their things, then open the door. Mandy waits outside the door, "Hey, you two. Where we going?" Charlie replies, "Home, we gotta stay there for a little." Mandy nods, "Perfect." The three walk back out into the waiting room, Ian jumps up from his seat. He immediately wraps his arms around Kara, "Hey, baby..God, are you okay?" Kara nods, "Yeah, don't worry." The two pull back from the hug, Ian looks up at Charlie. Kara speaks up, "Charlie, this is Ian. My boyfriend." Charlie clears his throat and holds out his hand, "Hey, it's great to meet you." Ian hesitantly shakes Charlies hand, "..Same here." Theres an awkward silence, Kara finally breaks it, "Alright, well to break this awkward silence..we're gonna get going."
Ian asks, "You're leaving?" Kara replies, "We're just going to my house, you guys can come if you really want to." The group all murmurs to themselves, all agreeing quickly.

Charlie pulls into the house's driveway, Mandy in the passenger seat, and Kara in the backseat. Charlie mutters to himself, "Gee, did not miss this place." Mandy rubs his arm, giving him a sense of comfort. Kara grabs her bag, she tries to scoot towards the door to open it but she winces in pain due to the cut on her thigh. Charlie looks back, "Hey, you okay?" Kara sucks in air through her teeth, "Yeah, just my fucking thigh.." Charlie immediately opens the driver door, steps out and opens the backseat door for Kara. He reaches out for her, "C'mere, I won't drop you." Kara replies, "You better not, I still remember how thin your arms were last time you were here." He chuckles, "Say that again, I'll drop you on purpose." Kara rolls her eyes, Charlie as softly as he can, picks her up and helps her out of the backseat. He puts her back on her feet when she's out, "Thanks, looks like you finally gained some muscle when you were gone." Charlie nudges her, "Yeah, and you're still a little asshole." She chuckles and puts her bag over her shoulder, her friends all get out of their individual cars after parking close by. They walk up to the three, they all begin to walk up to the front door when they hear a loud car honk from behind them. Everyone jumps at the loud sound, they all turn to see a fancy, white convertible pulling up beside the house. Isla groans, "Oh, God." Ben asks, "Who's that?" Ruth replies, "It's Brianna and Beck." Kara asks, "Why would they be here NOW?" Brianna waves from the driver seat, "Hiii, guys!" She hops out of the car, she rushes over to the group. "Oh my gosh, Kara. I heard what happened, I am so sorry." Kara faintly smiles, "Uuh..thanks, Brianna." Brianna looks back at the car, "Beck, come on. Don't be weird!" Beck calls back, "I'm coming!" He then opens the passenger door, then walks up to the group, "Hey, guys..I hope you're doing okay, Kara." Kara nods, "I'll be fine, the police have all the security footage, they said it will be hard to figure out who it was though." Isla rubs Karas back, "Don't worry, we'll figure out who it is as soon as we can." Ben nods, "Yeah, we'll all be here for you." Brianna chimes in, "I still like CANNOT believe that happened, and to you of all people?" Kara tilts her head, not knowing how to take that. Charlie speaks up, "Hey, we should uhm..get going inside, we need to talk to our mom." Kara responds, "They can come in, just please only hang out in my room when we talk to my room. Okay, guys?" The group all nod in agreement. Ian asks, "You sure you don't want me out there with you..and him..?" Justin nudges him and mutters, "It's her brother, man. Maybe lay off-?" Ian murmurs back, "Yeah well, he also up and left her a while ago." Charlie stays silent, but obviously hears all this. Kara opens the front door with her house key, letting herself, and everyone else inside.

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