Chapter 12 - Arrival to Doom.

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A Few Minutes Later.

Charlie pulls the car around to the front of Ruths house, "Is this the place?" Kara nods, "Yup, this is it." Charlie nods, he begins to get out of the car. "Mandy, you good staying in here when we go in for a little?" Mandys eyes widen, "Stay out here alone, with a murderer on the loose? Uh, no thanks..." Charlie chuckles, he helps Mandy out of the backseat. Kara groans, "A lot of people here just for a 'farewell' party..." Charlie sighs, "I know, it's a little bit concerning. But I guess nobody cares about murderers anymore." The three walk up to the house, the front door is wide open already. They all step inside, a cheer comes from everyone when they see Kara, Kara nervously smiles and waves to a few people. She sees Ian push himself out of a crowd, "Kara, you're finally here!" He wraps his arms around her, she does the same. "Wouldn't miss the chance to say goodbye to you guys, would I?" He smiles, "You want a drink or anything?" Kara shakes her head, "No, I'm alright. Don't wanna be feeling sick on the ride to their place." She says, pointing back at Charlie and Mandy. Ian nods, "Understandable." Kara sees Justin step into view in a crowd, once he sees Kara a small smile comes on his face. He raises his hand nonchalantly, waving at her. She waves back, a small smile on her face too. Ian looks back, once he sees Justin he rolls his eyes a bit. Ian tries to pull Kara off to the side, "Hey, I wanna talk to you about something." Kara responds, "Wait, but I wanna say hey to everyone." Beck walks out of the kitchen, a drink in his hand. He smiles seeing Kara, "There she is!" Kara chuckles, she then hears a female gasp come from behind her. She turns to see Isla, "Kara!" Isla hugs her closely, Kara does the same. Isla sighs, "I'm so happy to see you, I don't want you to leave at all." Kara smiles, "I'll visit frequently, don't you worry." Isla smiles, Kara looks around. "Hey, where's Ruth?" Isla shrugs, "She went out back looking for her phone she said, I haven't seen her since." Kara nods, "Hey, I gotta use the bathroom. I'll right back." Isla nods, Kara walks off, she goes past Justin, but she gives him a head motion to follow her. He does so, she walks off into a smaller room, but she goes behind the wall. Justin follows closely, then they finally are by themselves. Kara smiles up at him, "Hi." Justin smiles, "Hey." Justin clears his throat, "Leaving, huh-?" Kara sighs, "If that's what ends up happening, yes. But I'll still visit, you're like the only thing that I'll be leaving here if we do go." Justin chuckles, "Leaving me behind now?" Kara laughs, "Shut up." Justin laughs, they both look at each other. There's definitely a known tension there. Justin asks, "..So, how's Ian been? Because uh..not to assume or anything, but something definitely was about to happen when we were in his kitchen a few days ago." Kara sighs, "He definitely knows somethings up." Justin nods, "Of course." Kara shakes her head, "I need to tell him tonight, I'll just say I can't do long distance." Justin asks smugly, "Is that really what's up?" Kara chuckles, "...No, it's not." Justin chuckles quietly, "Then why can't you be with him, hm?" Kara quickly leans up, her and Justins lips press together. He seems a bit caught off guard, but nobody's watching. He leans deeper into it, pressing Kara against the wall slightly. They pull back after a moment, "..I think you know why." Kara finally replies. Justin chuckles, "Someone was feeling brave, doing this at YOUR farewell party after all." Kara smiles, "I'd do it just for you." Justin looks down at his feet, he holds back a smile as his cheeks turn a small shade of red. He looks back at Kara after a second, "God, I love you." She blushes softly, "I love you." Justin smiles, "We should..probably get back there, just before they notice us both conveniently being gone." Kara nods, "Right." The two walk back into the main foyer, luckily Ian, Isla, nor Beck are in sight. Charlie and Mandy stay standing by the front door, Charlie notices them both walking back together. Charlie gives Kara a knowing look, she looks down and her feet as Justin rubs the back of his neck, chuckling softly.

Beck walks out from the kitchen, a shot glass in his hand. He raises it and calls out to everyone at the party still, "HEY!" It grabs everyone's attention, "To Kara!" Everybody else repeats it again, "To Kara!" They all cheers any cups they have, Isla walks back out. She nudges Kara, "I know I already said it, but I'm really gonna miss you." Kara smiles, "Awe, I'm gonna miss you too." Isla replies, "But I do think it's good for you to get outta here, don't wanna end up like Kiara, Ben, or Brianna." Beck sighs from afar, "Can you..NOT bring them up, please?" Isla makes a face, "Right, sorry." Ian walks back into the foyer, he stands next to Kara after seeing her standing next to Justin. He takes her hand, "Alright, I think it's time everybody else left. I kinda just want it to be us and them here, we barely know any of these other people." Kara asks, "How do we make them leave?" Ian thinks, " could ask your brother, make it seem like he's the owner of this place." Kara makes a face, "You want Charlie to convince all of these people that like..he lives here? Wouldn't he have to be Ruths dad in that scenario?" Ian shrugs, "I think he could pull it off." Kara sighs, "I'll let him know." Kara walks through the crowd over to Charlie, "Hey?" Charlie asks, "You ready to leave already?" Kara shakes her head, "No, but could you do me a favor?" Charlie nods, "Sure, what?" Kara asks, "Wanna kick all these people out for us please?" Charlie looks confused, "How the hell am I supposed to convince all these kids to leave?" Kara shrugs, "I don't know, just say you live here. If they don't leave, say you're gonna call the police." Charlie groans, "You're lucky I'm a good brother." Charlie cups his hands over his mouth to be louder, "Hey! Excuse me, everybody!" Everyone quiets down and glances over at Charlie, giving him weird looks. "Hey, I here. You guys can't be here, I'm the police!" The crowd of teens immediately hearing the police being brought up being to clear out of the house, theres lots of cups sitting around on the floor everywhere. Beck speaks up, "Ruths gonna have a hell of a time cleaning this up when she sees." Charlie claps, "Okay, everyone. It's been really cool seeing you all, but we've gotta get going soon. So if we could start saying our goodbyes, that would be great." Isla looks at Kara, she immediately has tears in her eyes. She hugs her tightly, "Please call all the time, seriously." Kara responds, "I will, I promise." Kara walks to Beck, she hugs him, "Stay sober while I'm gone, yeah?" Beck chuckles, "Yeah, I'm not making any promises." Kara rolls her eyes with a small laugh, she walks over to Ian. He immediately hugs her really close, "I love you so, so much." She replies hesitantly, "I love you..too, Ian." He kisses her on the cheek, she smiles slightly. She then turns to Justin, he smiles at her. She hugs him, he holds her close. "Don't be a stranger, alright?" She shakes her head, "I would never." She finally takes a step back, but then Kara asks, "Wait, I wanna say bye to Ruth. Is she still looking for her phone?" Everyone looks around, they call out Ruths name. But nothing comes back, no response whatsoever. Mandy asks, "Do we wanna look for her?" Beck groans, "We probably should, if Kara leaves and she doesn't get to say goodbye we'll never hear the end of it from her." Isla responds, "Alright, I'll look with Kara." Charlie looks at Mandy, "Obviously looking with you." Justin looks at Ian and Beck, "Us three then?" The two others shrug and agree, everyone splits off in different parts of the house. Isla looks with Kara upstairs, they wake into Ruths room. Nobody in there, Kara groans, "Where the hell is she? It's her own house." Isla shakes her head, "You're better than me, I would've just said fuck her and left already." Kara laughs, "I can't do that, she would be PISSED at me forever if I did." Isla replies, "It's gonna be so weird with you not around, who am I gonna talk to?" Kara responds, "You'll still have everyone else." Isla replies, "That is if they don't all get butchered." Kara chuckles slightly. Beck, Justin, and Ian all are looking on the main floor. Beck asks, "Where was the last place you guys saw her?" Justin responds, "She came and talked to me in the living room for a second, then walked off." Ian responds, "She asked when Kara was coming in the foyer, then I walked off to text Kara." Beck asks, "You walked off?" Ian sighs, "Yes, Beck. I walked off...because I totally just murdered Ruth in her own house." Becks eyes widen, "Okay, I didn't say that." Justin sighs, "Relax, let's just find Ruth so Kara can say bye. It's the least we can do for her." Ian replies, "Yeah, since you just loovvee being so nice to Kara." Justin raises his eyebrow, "I'm sorry?" Ian responds, "I don't know, just the getting weirdly close in my two always talking, and you two always are next to each other. Pretty weird." Beck makes a face, "Ooohh..." Justins face drops in annoyance, "I don't know what to tell you, Ian. It's not my fault you're a bad boyfriend." Ian scoffs, "The fuck did you just say?" Justin shrugs, "You heard me." Beck intervenes, "As much as I do love fights, now is probably not the best moment." Justin and Ian lay off, the three continue to look around. Charlie and Mandy look around at the front of the house, they see so many cups and decorations on the ground. Mandy groans, "I feel bad for whoever has to clean this, I haven't been to a party like this in forever." Charlie responds, "I went to so many parties in my senior year, it's kinda why me and my parents didn't get along." Mandy asks, "Were any of them like..this dirty?" Charlie asks, "Dirty in what way?" Mandys face drops, "Ha, hilarious." Charlie laughs, "Nah, but they were always crazy. People would do drugs left and right like it was nothing." Mandy asks, "Were you one of those people?" Charlie shakes his head, "No, I wasn't THAT bad." Mandy raises an eyebrow, Charlie gives in, "Okay, maybe like once or twice." Mandy chuckles, "Had a feeling." Charlie notices how dark it is outside, "Jesus, what time even is it?" Charlie pulls his phone out of his pocket, it's 11:48. Charlies eyes widen, "Okay, it's almost twelve. We gotta go." Mandy nods, "Alright, let's go." Charlie walks back inside the house, "Kara, come on. We gotta go, we don't have time to keep looking!" Kara and Isla look down from the railing from upstairs, "We're leaving now?" Charlie calls back, "It's almost twelve am, we have to. You can call your friend and say bye later." Kara sighs, "Alright." The two walk down the stairs, the three guys then come out from the living room. Justin asks Kara, "You're leaving?" Kara nods, "Yeah, I don't wanna." Charlie sighs, "Alright, I really don't mean to be a pain but let's speed it up guys." Kara sighs, "I'll call a bunch, okay?" The group all nod, but they seem a bit down. Isla groans in annoyance, "I really don't want you to leave." Justin responds, "She doesn't have to..?" Charlie replies, "Yeah, she does. To stay safe, she kinda needs to." Justin shakes his head, "Yeah, I wasn't asking." Everyone makes a confused face, Justin then all of a sudden pulls out a large knife from his back pocket and slashes at Islas throat with it. Everybody in the group all share a gasp in shock, Isla falls to her knees, then falls to the floor. A pool of blood forms around her, Justin looks up at everyone, a grin comes across his face. "Just keeping her here, right?" Ian grits his teeth and lunges at Justin, "You MOTHEFUC-" He gets cut off by Beck pushing him to the floor, Ian looks up at Beck, "Beck, what the fuck?!" Beck pulls a gun out of his back pocket, " guys can't leave juuust yet, I'm afraid." Justin and Kara share a look, he looks at Beck. "Beck, go tie her up and keep her quiet." Kara shakes her head, "What..? N-no, wait-!" Beck points his gun at Kara, then drags her off, away from everybody else. Justin glares at Ian, Charlie, and Mandy. They all stare back in horror, "You all got a staring problem, or something..?"

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