13: Past Connections

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What's happening with Mr. Chauhan? It's like he's a whole new person. The way he held me close at the wedding, and then again in the café... I can still feel the warmth of his touch. And yesterday, rushing from his flight just to see me. His words, his gestures... they make my heart flutter in ways I've never felt before. It's like a whirlwind of emotions, swirling inside me, making me dizzy with anticipation. Nobody has ever stirred my soul like he does. 

And when he looks at me, I swear I can't breathe.

But it's terrifying, this feeling. Love is a dangerous game, one that I'm not sure I'm ready to play. Especially with someone like him. He's complex, enigmatic, a mystery I can't quite solve. Yet, when he looks at me, his eyes soften, and I feel like the only person in the world. It's both exhilarating and terrifying. 

He is a devil and when a devil falls in love, it's the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever.

Does he feels the same way? 

If his heart races when he's near me, if my name dances on his lips when he's alone. But then he's powerful, successful, everything I'm not. What could he possibly see in me? And what if it all ends in heartbreak, like it did for my mom?

Love shouldn't be this scary, this uncertain. But after seeing what happened to my parents, I can't help but fear the worst. They had a love marriage, but then my dad became consumed by his work, leaving my mom alone and neglected. I can't let history repeat itself. I won't let myself fall for someone who might break my heart.

As I was getting ready for the day, my phone lit up with Vaishnavi aunty's call (Aditya's mother). Why would she be calling me? I answered, greeted by her warm voice. "Hello, Tara beta," she said sweetly. "Namaste aunty. How are you? It's been a while. How's everyone at home?" I inquired politely.

"Everyone here is doing well, and we all miss you dearly, especially maaji. And have you been eating properly? I'll scold you if you haven't," she replied, her concern touching my heart.

"Of course, aunty, I've been eating well. And I miss all of you too. I've just been caught up with work these past few weeks," I reassured her.

"Since you're missing us so much, why don't you come over today? Everyone will be so happy to see you, and I'll even make my special kachoris just for you," she suggested warmly.

"How can I say no to kachoris? I'll be there in a little while, and I'll bring my specially baked cake along," I replied with a laugh. It was impossible to resist her sweet invitations.


"Tara, you are finally here! Did you forget about us?" Ananya exclaimed, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"I can forget about driving or eating food, but you? Never!" I joked, hugging her back. She giggled before leading me inside. "Come on, everyone's been waiting."

I moved towards Dadaji and Dadi to touch their feet, but Dadaji stopped me, saying, "Betiyan pair nahi chooti, vo toh dil chooti hain," and pulled me into a hug. I fought back tears, overwhelmed by their love. This family felt like a dream come true. I'd always yearned for a family like this, where love flowed freely and strangers were treated like this. Ananya was so lucky to belong here.

"Tara beta, I'm so glad you're here. Since Anirudh's wedding, it's become a habit for me to receive 'good morning' wishes from you. She loves me more." Dadi said, caressing my face. Her warmth was like a balm to my soul, something I'd longed for from my own father. "I wish you could stay with us,"

"Don't worry, maaji, she is going to stay with us eventually," Vaishnavi aunty chimed in, hugging me. I wasn't sure what she meant, but I brushed it off.

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