Chapter 10- Ruining Everyone's Dinner

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"Is there a reason the camp director looked like... that? Yena said confusedly after Mr. D disappeared.

"Gods can choose whatever form they like," Chaeyeon replied, going back to her meal like nothing happened. "That's just the persona he chooses here at camp. I wouldn't advise talking about him behind his back by name though. Gods can sense that kind of stuff."

"I feel really bad for Chaewon though. It's like Mr. D just dropped in, called her out, then left," Chaeryeong said glumly.

"Because that's exactly what happened," Yujin muttered. She'd noticed the atmosphere drop as Mr. D spoke, everyone beginning to look at Chaewon cautiously, as if she was a ticking time bomb.

"They'll come around, Yujin. You girls actually have a chance to show what you got in the upcoming capture-the-flag. Since Chaewon's the only one from her cabin, she gets to be on our team," Chaeyeon replied.

The topic of the upcoming event seemed to send a buzz throughout the whole Hermes table as everyone began discussing strategy and their alliances with other cabins.

"Speaking of which, do you mind running us up to speed on what that is?" Yena asked curiously.

"Capture-the-flag is a bi-monthly event where the campers fight for glory and bragging rights. It is quite literally capturing a flag on the opponent's side except we have swords and armor. Not only is it fun, but it helps Seunggi see the progress everyone is making," Chaeryeong said excitedly. She was practically jumping in her seat.

"Like... real swords? Is that safe?" Yujin said a bit nervously.

Chaeyeon scoffed. "There are still rules! The most important one is that killing and maiming is not allowed."

"Yes, anything like that gets your dessert privileges taken for a week!" Chaeryeong added.

"I feel safer already..." Yujin replied a bit sarcastically.

"You can't possibly expect us to join that when we just got here, right? Is there no 'new camper' protection?" Yena asked.

"Well, another rule is that any camper who is not injured must participate, and by Thursday, you two will officially not be new campers. We'll have training tomorrow!." Chaeyeon said as if that should be something reassuring. "Besides, I heard you have a magic weapon already. Not everyone has something like that."

Yujin looked at Yena confusedly until a memory dawned on her. "That pen-sword? So it's real?"

Yena nodded and was about to take it out until Chaeyeon stopped her. "No weapons allowed at the dining pavilion."

"That's where we draw the line?" Yena said with a chuckle, opting to just show the pen.

Chaeyeon's eyes narrowed, noticing some lettering on it. "Diakoptis Fotos... Light Breaker."

"Is that Greek?" Yujin asked.

"Yeah, part of being a demigod means being hard-wired to read and understand Greek. You two can as well, try it!" Chaeryeong replied.

Yujin and Yena stare at the pen closely as well, and visually, it was as if the letters were moving around until they were in an order they could read.

"Huh, you're right..." Yujin said. She wondered now what other abilities demigods had, and if they'd be related to whoever her godly parent would end up being.

These thoughts were interrupted, though, when a commotion was heard away from their table. It was Chaewon, still eating her food while a couple campers walked up to her.

"So, I heard you killed the minotaur, huh?" the boy said. "Think that makes you a big shot here?"

Chaeyeon sighed. "There goes Wooseok starting trouble again..."

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