Chapter 2

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Pebblestream's POV

I looked up from my frog and saw Antfur looming angrily.

"So?" I said with a smirk. "Don't tell me you're still crying over that little sparrow I caught before you?"

"You got lucky," he sniffed disdainfully.

"Ah, the classic excuse of a sore loser," I chuckled. "I guess the prey just loves me more than you, Antfur."

He scowled at me. "You stole it," he corrected with a growl.

"Oh, come on!" I laughed. "I caught it fair and square. Besides, you know what they say, 'the faster cats get more things done.' Perhaps you should work on your speed, Antfur. I thought you were taught that when you were a kit!"

Before I could defeat him in conversation anymore, Waterripple appeared, dropping his fresh kill on the pile.

"'Ello, Pebblestream!" he greeted me with a grin. "'At Antfur 'othering ya again?"

"No, no," I purred. "More like I'm bothering him."

Antfur snarled and walked away, his tail lashing in annoyance. 

I chuckled, finishing my frog just as Shadowmoon came and sat by me. 

"Are the borders all fine?" I asked him. 

He nodded. "I saw OakClan patrols."

I perked up. "Really? Did you see Smallpaw, Slimefoot, or Petalpaw?"

He snorted. "They hardly let she-cats out of camp, and I heard Smallpaw was getting treated just like a she-cat."

I sighed. "You're right. I just want to see them again someday."

"Do you regret leaving Oakclan?" Shadowmoon asked suddenly, meeting my eyes.

I froze for a moment.

Did I?

"No, I don't," I finally said. "But I do wish I could save every poor she-cat from that terrible clan. Perhaps if I had stayed-"

"No, no," he interrupted. "You couldn't have done anything. If you had stayed, you would've just sealed your terrible fate. And besides, if you hadn't left, we probably wouldn't be here right now."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose."

"In hindsight, I don't know why I didn't want to leave," Shadowmoon mused. "It's just so good to be free."

"How did the two legs- I mean Furheads treat you?"

He shrugged. "Fine, I guess. But they'd never let us outside much. And when we were outside, there was always this wall."

I yawned. "Man, I am worn out from that hunt. Mind if I go to sleep?"

"No, no I don't mind," Shadowmoon sighed. "Go ahead."

I nodded gratefully and padded to the warrior's den, sinking into the soft moss.

All I needed was a restful sleep.

A vast field surrounded me, the ferns tickling my paws. The sun shone brightly above me, warming my pelt pleasantly as I looked at the cloudless sky.

As I turned, Muckpelt appeared before me, a smile etched on her face. "Hello, warrior."

"Warrior..." I tasted the word in my mouth. "Not just an ugly she-cat."

"You weren't even ugly when you were in OakClan," Muckpelt said gently. "All cats are beautiful."

I shrugged. "And how are you?"

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