Chapter 10

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Badgerleg's POV

Before I knew it, I was in the strange cats' camp- or as they called it- refuge. It was incredibly strange to me.

In the center of the camp lay a big stone. A strange, orange liquid was oozing down from it slowly. 

Surrounding it were many small pebbles lined in a circle. A piece of prey lay in front of each stone. Birds, frogs, mice, squirrels, and some weird animals I didn't recognize were just some of the prey that lay there. 

Before I could scan any more, a large, bulky cat approached us. He was a Siamese cat with jet-black paws and blue eyes. Both of his ears were torn. 

"Who is zis?"

Owl stepped up, dipping his head low. The others copied him.

"Rise, all of you," said the tom deeply and gravely. His voice lowered and took a different tone. . . a tone of hope.  "Is it ze Malobane?" 

"No," said Soot, his voice steady, although his eyes were hard. He looked at me angrily, like it was somehow my fault that I wasn't a Malo-Bane.

The tom sighed, looking away. "So? Why is 'e here?"

"We found him on our territory, Nuntius," Owl said. 

"Et comment t'appelles?" said the Siamese, looking at me.

I looked at him quizzically. "Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying."

He rolled his eyes, sighing again. He turned away and said over his shoulder, "Zend him to ze dungeons," he said, turning away once again. "Make sure 'e cannot escape."

"Yes, Nuntius," said Soot. He turned to the third cat that was on the patrol. "Grab him a rat, Tiger. And Soot, check on your mate. I heard she was feeling sick."

The dark orange tabby and Soot dipped their heads and ran off. 

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked once they were gone. "What is this place?"

"You act like you're from somewhere different," Owl said, pausing and looking at me. "Are you from Terror?"

Say yes! Clawtear hissed through my mind. Say yes!

I paused for a moment. 

Why couldn't he say yes?

"No," I said tentatively. "What's Terror?"

I winced as I prepared for a jet of overwhelming pain, but nothing happened.

You little...

Owl relaxed and continued walking. "Terror is our rival. They launch surprise attacks on us and take our troopers and our helpers."

Before we could speak anymore, we arrived at a neatly organized den. Moss lay in the corner where I assumed I would sleep. 

In another corner lay another pebble of circles, lined with rats and mice. Other than that, the den was empty. 

"Is this the. . . uh, dungeon?"

"Oui," said Owl, nodding. "Don't even try to escape, it won't work. Our troopers, few as they may be, are always well trained and ready."

I nodded.

Owl grunted in acknowledgment and left the den.

I sat down, despair suddenly overwhelming me. How'd I get here? How'd I get back? What in StarClan was going? Was StarClan even watching?


"Wake up."

I woke up with a jolt, my eyes flying open. "Wh-what?"

"It's time for your ceremony."

"What ceremony?" I asked quickly, scrambling to my feet and facing Soot.

"Your admission ceremony," said he, "Where we decide whether you live. . . or if you're the next sacrifice."

I thought I saw him smirk.

"Oh. . . okay," I said nervously. "And what are the odds of me surviving?"

"Oh, not good," he said with a smug smile. "I heard The Dark Creeper is hungry. He has not had a meal in quite a while."

I gulped. "Th-the Dark Creeper?" 

"Mhm," he said cheerfully. "Now let's go."

I slowly walked out of the dungeon. It was sunset.

Many cats, perhaps all that lived in camp, where organized in a large circle. They stared at me as I walked out.

The cat who I had met when I entered camp, the one who they called the Nuntius, sat directly in front of the large stone with thick, orange liquid oozing down from it. 

"Bienvenue," he said with a thick accent, "to your admission ceremony. When the sun hides behind north trees, we shall summon The Dark Creeper.

When your time comes, you shall know. Do not disrespect him. Do not do anything rash. Do not raise your voice."

I swallowed hard. 

What if I died?

Run away, you little son of Poisonstar, I heard Clawtear snarl. Or else. . .

"No," I growled under my breath. "You do not control me here."

The sun hid behind the north trees.

A she-cat slowly walked forward; her head dipped. She dropped three pieces of prey within the circle of pebbles. 

She returned to her place.

The Nuntius stepped forward. 

"Oh Great Creeper, we have come here to obey your commands. A strange cat has appeared in out territory. Reveal their intentions and cast wise judgement, as you always do."

And the stone erupted. 

Man, when will I ever write a chapter with over 1000 words again?

Anyway people, what do you guys think? What is this place? What was your favorite scene/line?

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