Chapter 5

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Rosestar's POV

I padded to Highrock, my mind swarming with thoughts.

As leader of NightClan, I had a duty. To make my clan prosperous, strong, and feared. 

I couldn't do that in the state I was in. I was a she-cat. No clan except OakClan would verbally admit it, but we all knew that a she-cat leader was quite surprising and scandalous.

Nobody could truly respect my clan if I was left to my own devices.

So I decided that I would turn to something- no, someone- else to help me. 

My clan would be the best clan in the whole territory.

"All clans who can see the petals of The Rose fall, gather around Highrock for a clan meeting!" I called.

The clan cats emerged from their dens, curiosity sparkling in their eyes. 

"Thank you," I said as they all gathered around. I took a deep breath and began. 

"We all have ambition, my clan. We all have a thirst to be the greatest. And I have found a river where we can quench that thirst.

I have found someone who speaks to me in my dreams. He has promised to lead us to greatness. 

Our first, and most crucial, step is for my clan to be ready and willing. Are you willing to trust him?"

Murmuring started beneath me. 

"Who is this cat?" Falconhaze asked, his eyes narrowed. "How can we trust him?"

"I'm sure you have all heard the name Owlglide," I replied. "The one who went missing after his brother tried to overthrow StarClan?"

"Owlglide?" Fallenblossom asked in her soft voice. "Surely we can trust him to lead us where we need to be led?"

"I agree," Whiteowl, one of my deputies said. "I want to lead this clan to greatness. It was Thornlily's last wish."

Silence greeted his words. Many cats bowed their heads.

"We must honor our fallen deputy," said I. "This is how we can do it. Who's with me?"

All the cats murmured "I."

I nodded softly. "Then we have completed the first step. Thank you, my clan. Thornlily shall be happy once we rise to the top."

Shadowdeer, the deputy who had replaced Thornlily, dipped her head.

"Clan dismissed."


"Your clan was willing, Rosestar, I am proud of you for leading them so well."

"Thank you, Owlglide," I said, warming up. "What is the next step we must take?"

"At the gathering tonight, make sure the other clans get the message: We are the strongest. We are not scared to fight. We take what we want."

I looked at him skeptically. "But we don't want to take territory."

Owlglide chuckled. "Rosestar, Rosestar. You have more warriors than any other clan. How do you expect to feed them all in just one small territory?"

"I'm sure it'll be enough, Owlglide. But I can intimidate them. At least, I think I can."

"Confidence, Rosestar," he chided. "You will intimidate them. You will not hesitate to scare them."

I nodded. "Is there anything else?"

"Yes. The cats will most likely be provoked. Provoke them even more by taking some prey. Then fight them with the fury of StarClan."

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