Chapter 8

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Slimefoot's POV

I weaved my way around the battlefield, looking for my kits. 

Oh, the battle has left bloodshed in every direction you looked. 

Injured cats were cast around the battlefield, each covered in concerning amounts of blood. It was a terrifying sight.

"Slimefoot!" came a pitiful mew.

"Eaglepaw?" I asked, turning and seeing the little apprentice crouched behind a bush. "Are you okay?"

The little apprentice slowly limped out, her eyes wide with fear. "There was so much fighting," she said shakily. 

"I know," I said, scanning the battlefield again. "Do you know who won?"

"Owlstar called for his warriors to retreat," Eaglepaw told me. "Does that mean we won?"

"I suppose," I muttered, "But we still have a fair share of wounds."

"It was scary!" Eaglepaw whispered. "I wish there weren't any fights ever. Why can't we all live in peace?"

I snorted, but then I saw her face. "It won't ever happen until we're in StarClan, Eaglepaw. Especially not here in OakClan."

She sighed, looking at the bloodstained ground. "I wonder if StarClan would even want me in their ranks."

"Don't say that!" I hissed. "If you believe in them and were a loyal warr- I mean a loyal member of your clan, you will be accepted!"

"But my leg!" she retorted. "I'm no use with this stupid foreleg!" 

I sighed, looking at her softly. "StarClan might heal it when you get there."

Eaglepaw met my eyes sadly, simply saying, "Maybe."

She walked away.

I sighed again and scanned the wounded toms and Badgerleg- that son of Poisonstar- tending to each one.

I decided Smalleye might be in the medicine den, so I headed there. 

I froze as I entered.

My mother was on the ground, unmoving and bloody. Smalleye lay on top of her, unconscious. 

I panicked and ran up to Shortface, gently pushing my kit off. 

She had bite marks on her throat.

"No!" I shrieked, staring at her still body. "Mother! No, please wake up!" 

She didn't move.

"Mother, oh, mother!" 

I could've screamed for hours. 

Why did everyone I love have to die? First Petalpaw my kit, then my mother? 



I looked up and saw the fearful faces of my kits.  

I looked at them despairingly, putting my paw on Shortface's torn neck

"Who did it?" Marshpaw asked hoarsely, looking at my dead mother. "Who would do such a thing?"

"Anyone could've," I replied shakily, my voice starting to seethe with anger. "Any of these accursed toms could've decided that it was fun to kill someone I loved."

"But why?" Hawkpaw asked, looking at me with his bright amber eyes. "Why?"

"Because they wanted to," I snarled. 

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