Chapter 7

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Smalleye's POV

I gasped in horror as I heard the distinctive sound of blood gushing out of someone's throat. I heard a small cackle and paw steps leaving.

I immediately ran over to where Shortface was and put a paw on her.

I felt a liquid on my paws.

"No!" I choked. "Please, no, no..."

I couldn't see, but I was certain of one thing because of the silence and the substance of my paws.

Shortface was dead.

"No!" I cried, burying my nose in her fur. "Please, Shortface, please!"

The sounds of fighting outside and my wounds became meaningless as I tried to get Shortface to wake up.

She was like a second mother to me. She helped me when Slimefoot couldn't. 

Oh, how was Slimefoot going to react?

I lay unmoving next to her, trying to cope as best as I could. 

Why did I have to lose everyone? Petalpaw and then Shortface?

Eventually, I just passed out.

"Smalleye, wake up."

I opened my eyes.

I could see!

I got up slowly, looking for the cat who had spoken.

"Smalleye, we are all in grave danger."

I turned and saw Muckpelt, but her eyes were wide with fear.

"He's stronger than ever!" 

"How?" I asked, immediately knowing who she talking about. "I don't know exactly how he disappeared, but he did, didn't he?"

"He did," Muckpelt whispered, "But he is back and twice as strong. Nothing can stop him!"  

I looked at her in horror. "How are we supposed to survive if no one can stop him? Do you have communication with StarClan?"

"It's broken for some reason," Muckpelt said. "I can't even go into StarClan! Perhaps it's because I helped Owlglide..."

"That's stupid," I growled. "You couldn't resist him; he was- and is- too powerful!"

"Perhaps Owlglide has infiltrated StarClan!" Muckpelt said.

"That would be really bad," I said with the worried tone. "What if he manages to kidnap other StarClan cats?"

Muckpelt shivered, as if recalling the thoughts of everything she had experienced. "I wouldn't want that upon anyone."

"So what can we do?" I asked, wondering if I could somehow contact StarClan. "Is there anything that can stop him?"

"Not that I know of," Muckpelt said. "All I can do is watch and observe and see if there are any clues that we can use against him. And be careful! There's something-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I was whisked away.

I opened my eyes and widened them as I saw where I was.

Many, many cats were lined in a circle, all of them staring at me. The row of eyes unnerved me.

"Who is this?" an old and rough tom growled. 

"He is not of our ranks," a she-cat said. "But he is not of the dark forest either. Who could he be?"

"I'm Smalleye," I said nervously. "Who are you guys?"

"We are StarClan," the she-cat said, "And I do not recognize the name Smalleye."

"I'm dreaming," I mewed. 

"Did anybody call him?" the tom asked, looking at everyone. "I sure didn't call him. I don't want any vine-snappers here."

Silence overcame the plain.

"Did you come without being summoned?" a different she-cat whispered.

"I- uh-" I stammered. "I suppose, since no one called me."

"This is strange," the tom said gruffly. 

"You don't say, Sunpool," one of the she-cats said sarcastically. "This cat has entered StarClan by itself?"

"That's besides the point," I hissed suddenly. "I need to tell you guys something!" 

"Listen, you-"

"No, you listen, Emberchase," the she-cat snapped to the other she-cat. "This cat is powerful enough to enter StarClan. We should probably listen."

Emberchase glared at her but said nothing.

"Haven't you heard?" I asked. "There is this tom trying to take over StarClan! His name is Owlglide-"

"Woah, kit," Emberchase interrupted. "Owlglide is not the bad tom. Do you mean Woodwing or perhaps Styx?"

"No!" I said. "I mean what I said! Owlglide has tortured Muckpelt-"

"Muckpelt?" the she-cat said.

"Don't believe him, Rainflight," Emberchase hissed. "He's either straight up lying or he has brain damage."

"I'm not!" I yowled. "I know what I'm talking about!"

Rainflight looked at me sympathetically. "Come, kit. Muckpelt is strong enough to resist such power."

"Not strong enough to resist him," I said shakily. "He has unimaginable powers! StarClan must unite!"

"Begone, kit," Sunpool growled. "Stop wasting our time."

And I was gone.

"Smalleye! Smalleye!"

I woke up with a start.

"You were thrashing in your sleep..."

I opened my eyes and saw the sad eyes of Slimefoot. 

"Slimefoot!" I said hoarsely. "Are... are you okay?" 

She looked away.

"She's gone, Smalleye."

Sorry guys, I have to go right now! That's why it's such a short chapter! Sorryyy!

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