It will help - 9

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"Mmm Is cold!" Louis whines when the cold air hits his uncovered legs, Harry just shushes and hurries to the bus, but stalls when he gets to the door, not sure how the other boys would react to this. What if they aren't okay with it? It is kind of sudden. Nothing was leading up to this kind of coping mechanism, Louis has never shown any interest in babyish things, and is always high on drugs or drunk, how would they understand?

Would they kick them out of the band for being "too weird"? It worries him, he isn't sure what to do without the band and music, he needs it in his life. Now that he has finally found something that he is good at and actually matters to do, how can he just let it go? 

But he can't just leave Louis alone to fend for himself if he also gets kicked out. He needs to be taken care of. He needs help to keep being sober, both from alcohol and drugs, he needs to be safe. And how can he be safe and sane if he loses all that he has worked for? Harry knows Louis really loves this band and loves to perform, it has just gotten too much, but if he lost it all, there is no way he could stop him from drinking. 

Louis' legs start shaking a little bit, and Harry notices that it's been at least a few minutes of him thinking of this, and decides just to rip off the bandaid and walk in. 

Louis hides him in Harry's neck, his big feeling still here, he is still embarrassed about this but doesn't fully know how to handle it, so he whines and pushes into Harry. The man just caresses his leg and shuffles inside, putting his stuff down by the sofa. 

"Zaynie!" Louis says when he sees the men sitting on the sofa, Harry chuckles, knowing that right now Louis and Zayn are very tight, they just know what the other is thinking, all the time. It is endearing to look at, it makes him so happy. To see these two boys who were complete strangers, start to learn each other so well that they know everything that happens in a matter of seconds. Everything the other person is thinking, so fast. It amazes Harry. 

Zayn doesn't seem to mind and smiles widely, putting his arms out ready for the boy to be sat in his lap. Louis wiggles, trying to get out of Harry's grasp, so Harry carries him over to Zayn and plops him down. Louis just nuzzles into Zayn, loving his scent. 

"What's up little man, huh?" Zayn says, and it almost makes Harry think that Zayn knows about regression, and knows that Louis is not in his normal headspace. Harry's eyebrow quirks up as he looks at Zayn, maybe it isn't as strange as it seems. 

Zayn looks up at him and slightly smiles while nodding, which makes Harry sigh deeply. It feels like he can finally breathe, all his worries are gone, well almost gone, if one person in the band is okay and knows about it, maybe it won't be too bad with the rest of the boys. 

"Hazza gave me a dummy!" Louis says proudly, showing off his Adventure Time Pacifier to everyone, which makes Niall snort, but Louis doesn't notice it. Harry just shakes his head at Niall, knowing he needs to talk to him about it. 

"Yeah! Glad you like it, hun!" Harry says smiling widely, seeing Louis so happy and carefree makes him happy, he has seen Louis be too sad and overwhelmed too often. 

Harry says bye quickly and goes to grab the box of nappies and other little space stuff he bought.

He doesn't ever want to see Louis beating himself up over some silly little things, doesn't want to see him struggle just to have fun and be himself. He wishes Louis could stop drinking and smoking just for a little while, just so he can start living life without being under the influence, living life as though he has more than a few days, living as if his life actually has a purpose.

Harry just wants to see him happy, being himself and being comfortable, but he knows it might take a while before that happens. Louis is so hooked up on these drugs for them to be able to make life "More livable" as he says. Which Harry doesn't understand. How can you need to be so drugged up you can barely open your eyes, to live a good life? If you're so hungover every day that the only thing you can stomach is more alcohol, how can you live with that? How can a human survive on only drugs and alcohol? Harry has many questions, he doesn't need an answer but does need Louis to consider that there is a life without all this pain and suffering.

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