chapter two - chill

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(Last chapter ended with Johnnie walking up to me and Ellen)

"Hi, Im Johnnie" He says and brings his hand up to shake mine.
"Im Samantha" I say and shake his hand back.
"I am Ellen" Ellen brightly smiles at him.
"I really have no friends and you guys look cool, mind if I stay with yall?" Johnnie asks.
"No we don't mind at all!" I say and Ellen nods with me.
"What's your next class?" Ellen asks.
"I got math's" I answered her hoping she also has maths so I don't need to suffer alone, I'e only known Ellen for what, an hour? But she is my hope right now.
"Oh? I have math's too!" Johnnie smiles at me, great! Hopefully Ellen does too, I look at her and she does not look happy.
"Awhh, I have social studies!" Ellen says with a disappointed face, fuck fuck fuck!!! I really need Ellen, can you tell I hate being alone? Well I have Johnnie with me but come on!
"Let me get you guys numbers so we'll meet up later" Ellen says right after and holds up her phone.
"Sure" Me and Johnnie say at the same time.
We get our numbers into Ellen's phone and I get Johnnie's too. We also of course made a group chat with the three in it! So far this day is going just amazing!
Me and Johnnie say bye to Ellen and start trying to navigate around the school to find the math class. We ran around like the entire building but we finally made it just in time.
We enter the classroom and I see a few kids from the english class but the rest are all new faces.
The teacher is already in the classroom holding a bunch of notebooks and mathematics books.
"Good Morning class and welcome to your very first english class of this year! I'm Mrs Jackson but you can call me Julia and as you can tell I'll be teaching you all in mathematics!"
Not gonna lie she looks very sweet to be a math teacher, if you get what I mean.
The rest of the class was pretty boring, we got our books, Julia talked a little about what we are doing this year, what she expects from us and grades and stuff. Just normal "first day of school" stuff.
I was not listening to her talk, just had my headphones on almost the whole time and I think Johnnie noticed that.
"Hey… Samantha?" Johnnie whispered to me.
"Yeah?" I look up from the floor to look at him and whisper back.
"What are you listening to?" he asked, still whispering. Oh my god?? He is asking me about music?
"Oh right now "Bad decisions by The Strokes" I whisper back.
"I love The Strokes!" Johnnie whispered, smiling.
I just nod.
I never met someone who also likes them? That's cool!
Math ended quickly and I texted Ellen to see where she at.
She answered my message saying she's by the lockers, also saying she got me a locker next to her! She is so sweet.
Johnnie disappeared after maths, I'm guessing he had to go to the toilet or had another class without me or Ellen.
I found Ellen after looking for the locker room and asking for directions from a teacher (embarrassed asf).
"We got chemistry next and then we're done for the day, I checked your schedule too. What's Johnnie up for?" Ellen asks.
"Great! Only one class left, also I don't know where johnnie went but I'm guessing he has another class somewhere" I smile.
Ellen nods and we go off to find our chemistry class.
————————time skip————————————-

*after school*

I went home after school and made it into my house. It was pretty empty to be honest, my mom was working late today and my brother were staying at this (soon to be) girlfriend, well they aren't dating but trust me they will.
I missed the times when dad was still here, ever since he passed away it's been feeling like a part of me is gone, like a hole in my soul and it really really hurt.
Before when I got home from school just a couple months ago I would've ran to dad telling him all about the new school, Ellen and johnnie but now there is nobody to tell.
I sat down on the couch with watering eyes and saw my dad's coffee mug on the table in front of the couch, nobody has moved the mug since the day dad died. I picked it up and held it in my hands and I broke down. I want my loving, caring, amazing dad back but here I am sitting alone in my house with his cup in my hands absolutely crying my eyes out.
My phone started ringing, I picked it up to see Johnnie calling our group chat. I ignored it and placed my head in my hands hysterically sobbing.
Johnnie kept ringing until I guess Ellen picked up.
I walked up to the kitchen and wiped my face from all the tears and joined their call.
(S: Samantha, J: Johnnie, E: Ellen)

S: hi guys
E: omg hi Samantha you finally joined!
J: hey Samantha
S: what's going on whyd you call?
E: well johnnie asked us to hangout but i have soccer practice so i can't
J: Samantha can you meet up tho? I'm bored
S: yeah you can come over I guess I'll text you the address

We all said goodbye and I leave the call, I had to get cleaned up before Johnnie came over.
Pretty insane I've made two friends and one of them is actually down to hang out with me!
I first tested my mom saying my new friend is coming over so she wouldn't ask and then obviously texted Johnnie my address.
After texting done I got up to my room and got all my makeup of since I anyway cried it all off and cleaned of the mess of clothes on my floor and I was ready.
A few minutes passed and my doorbell rang..

I wrote this at the same time I wrote chapter ine but of course I forgot to fucking post it!!! I was about to write chapter three but realised I never posted this so I guess chapter three is out in 24 hours😭

I really like this book !
Word count: 1081

// author 🌸

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