chapter four - mall argument

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I woke up, second day of school. I am not so nervous today, actually I'm pretty excited because me and Ellen are going to the mall after school! I got up from bed after seeing a few texts on my phone.
Ellen: Good morning!! Meet me by the lockers ASAP
Johnnie: Where are you? It's the second period and you're not here?
Mom: I left for work early, don't be late for school!
Shit. What time is it?
It's 9.37am and my first class is 8am! I fucking overslept!
I answered Johnnie saying I'll make it to third period and told Ellen I overslept. I saved my mom's text for later, I have to get ready quick as fuck.
I did my makeup quickly and got into black sweatpants and a black croptop, It's basic but I really don't have time today.
I rushed out the front door and walked as quickly as possible to school.
By my locker Ellen stood looking around, but she wasn't alone. A short brunette girl stood next to her, she's wearing big light blue baggy jeans and a blue oversized t-shirt and literally no makeup. She is so pretty.
"FINALLY SAMANTHA!!!" Ellen yelled with a laugh hugging me.
"Good morning to you too" I said hugging her back
"By the way this is my new friend Melissa" Ellen smiled looking at the short brunette.
"hii" Melissa said in a light sweet voice.
"Hey, I'm Samantha" I answered as I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around seeing Johnnie.
"HEY JOHNNIE!!" I smiled and hugged him.
"Hello there, where have you been?" He asked.
"I overslept sorry, is our next class together?" I asked him back.
"Yep, we have English and Ellen is in that class as well!" He said back.
Great!! English isn't so bad.
Ellen introduced Johnnie to Melissa and we all said bye to her because apparently she was a year younger than us so we don't have any classes together.
We started walking towards English class and we got into the classroom.
Mr Chris walks into the classroom and starts yapping about the assignment we are doing. We are going to write a text about our interests and then present it to the class in a few weeks. I'm thinking of just writing a text about music since that's like the most important thing in my life lol.

â€"-- time skip - after school â€"-

As mentioned, me and Ellen are going to the mall now.
After the last period we said bye to Johnnie and Melissa and left to go get a bus there.
"Ugh I really want my license, I hate the bus" Ellen groaned as we got on the bus to the mall.
"Yeah, me too," I said.
After a few minutes we arrived at the mall and we're ready to spend some money

"Where are we going first?" Ellen asks when we enter the big mall.
"How about we start at Hot Topic?" I ask.
Ellen agrees and we find our way there. I haven't been to this mall in like ages so it took a while before we actually found the store.
After five minutes of running around we finally found hot topic and went inside. (I live in Europe so I have like no idea what they sell so I'm just gonna guess lmao)
"Oh this skirt is so cute!!" I yelled over to Ellen holding up a black jean skirt with tiny rhinestones on the back pockets.
"Oh my god, It's so your vibe you totally should get it!!" Ellen squealed to me.
Twenty two dollars? Fuck it I'm getting it anyways.

We ended up leaving Hot Topic with me spending almost forty dollars, Ellen didn't even get anything she just helped me find all the cute stuff. We decided to go to a makeup store and we both spent literally all our money there, but it was so worth it.
We ended up shopping for one more hour and then left the mall super exhausted and tired. The bus ride home was so quiet because of how tired we we're. Usually Ellen yaps so much and I listen but now none of us said a word.
The bus stopped close to where Ellen lives and she got off while I still had two more stops to go.
"Bye girl, see you tomorrow!!!" Ellen yelled as she got off and blew me a kiss.
"BYE!!" I yelled back pretending to catch her kiss, all people on this bus definitely think we're a lesbian couple. I laugh to myself at how goofy we were sometimes.

Two stops later and I was home, all exhausted.
When I stepped into my house I was met by my mom, more like my ANGRY mom.
"Oh look who's home?" My mom said looking as mad as ever. At first I didn't understand why but I remembered I never answered her text, I missed two classes and I went to the mall without telling her. Oops.
"Hey mo-" She cut me off yelling.
"Who do you think you are??? Your teachers called and you didn't show up too school, you never replied to my messages, you were out without letting me know where or with who and now you're coming home acting like nothing?!" My mom yelled at me. God I totally forgot to tell her!
"Mom I overslept and then I was at-" She cut me off again with her yelling.
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. YOUR ROOM. NOW" She wasn't even yelling anymore, she screamed. I wish my brother was home.
I ran up to my room with a burning throat and tears under my eyes, god I hate arguments with my mom. I know she hates them too. I think she's just overwhelmed, her husband had also passed away.
It wasn't just my dad, it was her husband too. I started bawling thinking that thought. bawling my eyes out, I just want my dad back and mom to be happy again.
My phone light up, a SnapChat notification.
"Johnnie.Guilbert added you as a friend, say hello!" The notification said.
I went on Snap and accepted his friend request and he immedalnly sent a snap. It's a picture of his face without makeup. God he's so gorgeous and I cried even more looking at his face on the picture. I dried my tears with the sleeve on my hoodie and sent a face picture back.
He opened it and started typing.
"Samantha you okay?? looks like you've cried?" His text said.
I started typing back.
"I'm fine, had an argument with my mom and miss my dad" I wrote. Sent.
I put my phone away, I don't feel like explaining everything to him right now. I just wanna sleep and never wake up. I hate arguments so much because I always get the urge to do it again. Cut. That urge. I feel like this is all my fault and I need to punish myself for it. I looked across my room. The white pandora box, the box my dad gave me for my last birthday.
I walked over to it and picked it up, opening it and staring at the silver blades.
Should I? One last time?
I picked up a blade  and rolled my sleeve up, staring at my pale arm.
One cut for my dead dad
Two cuts for my mom screaming at me
Three cuts for the guilt over our fight
Four cuts for missing school.
I cried and instantly regretted everything.
I wiped the blood off and laid down on my bed falling asleep with makeup and school clothes, It doesn't matter right now.

Hey yall! 🌸
I feel bad for the end of this chapter so I am so sorry for this though I like this chapter a lot.
Im feeling a little bit unmotivated right now but I'm tugging it through.
Wordcount: 1353

// author 🌸

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