chapter three - hangout

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(Last chapter ended with Johnnie ringing on Samatha's doorbell)

I rang Samantha's doorbell and I don't know why but I have such a funny feeling in me, like I'm nervous and excited and.. happy? I missed that feeling, not gonna lie, but it's just weird.
Just in the middle of my thought Samantha slung her front door open and welcomed me in.
"Hey there!" I said, I wanted to greet her with a hug but I didn't.
"Hi" she shortly responded.
We went up to her room. It was a pretty cool room with black walls and a punch of posters of different bands. Her room was tidy and her bed was made but I spotted A LOT of stuffed animals. Cute.
Samantha was wearing her same school outfit but her makeup was off, she was drop dead gorgeous even without her makeup. Her freckles were way more noticeable and I loved them.
We sat down next to each other on her bed and started talking, just basics.

"You said you also liked The Strokes earlier in class, right?" She asked me.
"Yes, what about it?"
"What more music are you into? If you can't tell I love music" She giggles looking around her room, signaling all the posters, pictures and vinyl records on the walls.
"Oh, I like The Cure, Mcr, Cigarettes after sex and just like rock and emo music" (I don't know what Johnnie listens to in real life so).
"We have so much similar music taste it is insane" She said happily. How sweet. We sat quiet a while and I noticed a baby picture of her and I guess her.. dad? The picture was in a tiny frame standing on her nightstand right by her bed.
"Is that you and your dad?" I ask, looking at the picture.
"Oh.. uhm.. Yeah." She says looking down in her lap. She sounded way more sad now.
"Are you okay?" I asked her with a soft look on my face.
"Yea-" Her voice breaks and she sniffs, she's crying?
"Samantha, are you crying?" I ask her to try to sound as calm and nice as possible.
"Yes" She says as she continues crying quietly, I don't know why she's crying but i'm guessing it has to do with her dad and me asking about the picture. You dumb fuck. Why the fuck did i ask that? I am so stupid.
"Uh- uhm my, dad is d-" She stops herself and looks up at me.
"He is dead." She says and breaks down with her hands in her hands. I stay quiet, her dad is also an angel? Wow.
"Samantha I am so sorry for your loss" I say comforting and take her head out of her hands and lean in to hug her, she hugs me back.
"Thank you"
I nod still holding her, I don't want to let go but eventually she gets up from my arms and sits up properly. She stopped crying and drys her face with her sleeve.
"It all happened so fast, one day he left for work and never came back. A day later we got a call saying he hung himself in his work office" She said. Wow. I couldn't believe it.
"Samantha I am so so so sorry for your loss and you know I'm always here for you and trust me I get it. My dad passed away when I was thirteen years old and of course it still hurts but it gets better" I say trying to comfort her because I actually know how it is to lose a parent.

We kept talking about our lives, she ended up telling me everything about how her life is without her dad, her depression and self harm issues and I genuinely feel so bad for her but I'm happy she trusts me with this after just knowing me for a day. I didn't talk very much, I am happy listening to Samantah's smooth voice and after what feels like ten minutes it's been three hours, THREE HOURS of me and Samantha venting and yapping about our lives and I had to leave.
"I gotta go now Samantha but promise to call me if you need anything? I'm here for you" I say
"Okay, thank you and of course I'm here for you too for anything" She smiles, that sweet smile.
She followers me to her door and we say goodbye with a hug, and not any hug. A long hug.
I walked my way home and my mom greeted me with a bunch of questions.
"Did you have fun?"
"Why are you home so late?"
"What did you two do?"
"Who is this girl you were with?"
"When do I meet her?"
I answer all her million questions quickly and get up to my room.
I needed to call somebody and ask for help, what if I like Samantha? No. I can't. I've known her not even a day and she definitely doesn't feel the same. Get over it.
I got unready and slid into bed.
I'm debating if I should text Samantha or not, I wanted to see how she's doing now that I've left but I don't want her to feel pressured to talk to me. I'm such a lover boy bro I barely know this kid and I can't get her out of my mind!
Fuck it.
J: Hey Samantha, you up?
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
S: Yep, I'm up.
J: How are youuu?
S: I'm better now, felt great to talk it all out, thank you for listening <3
A HEART? I smiled at her text.
J: Of course I'd listen to you <3
S: Are you okat tho? You didn't say much about yourself
J: I'm alright, going to bed so ttyl!
Samantha hearted my message but didn't write back. Weird.
My mom knocked on my door.
"COME IN" I yell.
"Hey Johnnie, just came in to say goodnight. Goodnight sweetie" My mom said.
"Wait mom, can you sit down real quick?"
My mom nodded and sat down on the end of my bed looking at me.
"How do I know I like a girl?" I ask, I never thought I'd ask my mom that but I really have no friends except Samantha and Ellen so I guess I have to.
"Oh Johnnie, when you know you know trust me. You will know when you're in love" My mom said and got up and left. I drifted to sleep quickly after.

Hey my beautiful (2) readers🌸
Woah, a good Johnnie POV.
This chapter is really just a chapter for Samantha and Johnnie to like get a little closer to continue the book. Can you believe it's 2 chapters in a day? How amazing am I
Hope you like it

Wordcount: 1158
// author 🌸
Ps can you tell I like the flower emoji😭

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