Chapter 6: It's Time

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When it was finally time for her ceremonial diapering, the house had become a circus. Instead of stopping at a restaurant for dinner or making plans with other friends, all three of her roommates had chosen to spend their Friday night lounging at home. Roseanna was making dinner again, and Brianna was mad at her for taking over the whole kitchen. That was, of course, until Roseanna offered Brianna some of the stew she was making (as well as offering some to Mari and Harriet). Brianna sang her praises after that. Harriet came home exhausted from work and flopped on the couch. She crawled to the shower not long after.

Mari, daunted by the noise and unable to focus on anything except the clock, retreated to her room to touch herself for a little while.

The apartment only got louder.

Snuggled in safety, Mari could still hear the unmistakable sound of the front door opening and closing. Shortly thereafter, she heard Roseanna's boyfriend arrive. His deeper voice was distinctive in the apartment, and she could hear him having a conversation with Brianna while Roseanna dominated the kitchen.

Whatever they were talking about, it wasn't as interesting to her as her face-down dreams about her impending diapering.

The water from Harriet's shower gurgled as she turned the knob. A bit later she heard Harriet close the door to her room. Harriet's vibrator purred through the walls shortly thereafter.

She felt a sudden longing to be that vibrator, and moaned under the power of her fingers. She wasn't close to breaking Sir's rule, yet.

How are you doing, little girl?

Above all of the shaking going on in the apartment; the deep baritone of Matthew, Roseanna's boyfriend, resonating through the wooden floor; the whirring of a blender in the kitchen; the scrambling of Harriet's pussy from the room next door; above all of it, far above all of it, it was Mari's phone that rattled the loudest.

"Hi Sir!"

"I'm so excited!"

It's less than an hour until you're diapered.

"I can't wait! I'm all nekkie already. Like a baby."

I'm so proud of you.

"Thank you Sir. But I'm scared. Everyone had to pick tonight to be here. Even Roseanna's boyfriend is here."

You will be alright. People judging you for being a baby is little different from people judging you for something else.

"Yeah but...being a baby is embarrassing."

A few minutes later...

Is embarrassment worse than being misjudged?

Mari stopped playing with herself to think about this. All of the other vibrations in the apartment continued, but they could not drown out her thoughts. The answer was obvious. It depended. Misjudgment could be good if you proved them wrong in a way that suited you. And it could be disastrous if you proved them right.

Sir did not wait for a reply.

Honesty only carries embarrassment for those too weak to hear it.

"Yeah, but I have to live with them. As a pee-pee-pooper!"

You're already living in fear.

Mari didn't reply immediately to that. She couldn't, both of her hands were occupied. She came close and stopped herself. She whined. Shaking off her near miss with the abyss of an orgasm, Mari got up and opened the drawer where earlier she'd hidden the finally unboxed diapers. The drawer where previously she'd stored her underwear. She fingered one out from the middle, like a book off some sort of flat shelf. It crinkled and rustled in her hand.

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