Chapter 13: In the Woods

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Sir would tell Mari what was For Her Good the very next morning.

Harriet, still busy with her court case, hadn't been able during the week to debrief with Mari about her accident. Mari hadn't brought it up and hadn't pushed it, even though her ban on leggings and her booster requirement would continue until they sat down and talked about what had transpired when Mari had been too poopy to go to the museum. Mari didn't consider lying to Sir about having talked to her roommate already, because deep down she did want to meet Harriet, and that even deeper she knew she deserved the ongoing punishment. And while it was terrifying to crunch around with an extra inch of absorbency between her legs, it was fun to try to squeeze her knees together in her chair and discover time and time again how she could barely do it.

Harriet said she could meet on Saturday, the one-week anniversary of Mari's messy extravaganza in the beach town Old District. Mari said that was okay and it was...until Sir texted her only an hour before with more instructions.

Change into one of the pink diapers.

The black and white onesie.

And the matching skirt.

Mari still hadn't gotten out of her warm and sweaty overnight diaper. She rubbed her eyes and read the text again. Her adrenaline spiked, forestalling any need for coffee. She typed out a plea to Sir, reminding Sir that she had an engagement.

Yes, exactly.

That's what you're wearing with Harriet.

"But it's a onesie!"

Only someone who knew what an adult onesie was already would notice.

The skirt will more than cover your diaper, even with the booster.

She complained and whined some more. But ultimately she was too horny to resist. Only when Harriet knocked on her door did the fear begin to overwhelm her. Still, Mari fixed herself and told Harriet she could come in.

Harriet cracked the door open, stepped in, and closed it behind her. Mari had barely seen Harriet all week. The case had consumed Harriet's days and anything that remained to her besides the bare minimum of sleep. She was dressed the same way she was weeks ago – same jacket, same dress. Her bright blue eyes blinked in the cool light of Mari's workspace and bedroom.

Mari was standing in the middle of her room. She wanted to grab her phone and make one more plea to Sir for mercy. She told herself to behave.

Mari cleared her throat. "How did your big trial go?" Even this question, which was the right question to ask, made her feel even more like a baby. Because here she was, her world ending because of pee and poop and onesies, and there was Harriet, who lived just yards away, who dealt with the lives and futures of people.

Harriet shrugged. "My client got convicted."

Mari hung her head. Harriet dealt in things so much more important than her shit pants. She felt so stupid for calling her just a week ago. She felt so stupid for freaking out with Sir.

"I'm sorry. You worked so hard."

Harriet stepped forward and glanced around Mari's room. Mari could tell she was accounting for how messy it was. Her room was probably a far cry from the ornate legal boardrooms Harriet spent her workdays in. "Nah," Harriet continued. "My client wasn't beating that charge. She knew she was going to prison." Harriet stepped over the dress that Mari had worn yesterday, when she was out with Carl and Brianna. "But we made our case that the real instigator was someone else, and I think she'll avoid the worst of it."

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