Return to Form

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The gaps between the words are there in all writing? You will continue searching for meaning in these places, aiming to find the meaning she did as you read her entries.

6/2/10 - Return to Form

Grandmother's allowed me to use her gramophone, allowing me to continue my studies even when working. While I have found some benefit to keeping my mind stimulated, alas, it seems it is not reaching the same gaps as static. There are words and single minded meaning placed onto them.

Although, I've noticed that, at times, it plays a short distortion. Post my inquiries, grandmother has informed me that it is due to wear on the record and the needle. I shall endeavor to increase the amount of these distortions, in order to further progress my studies.

6/3/10 - Return to Form

I've done it! I've found a little more coherence to the static this time! Scratching the records made more static, allowing me more, brief moments with the static. Although I struggle to grasp hold of its meaning for long, it is there nonetheless.

Is it not perplexing as it is amazing? The static is everywhere, like ants and light! But nobody else sees it. It's even in my sleep, that grandmother has mentioned it! Inquired about my strange sleep talking, and although I do not recall, I trust that it's like the man in the dream!

If only I could recall... no matter. Although, there is a new development as of late. My ears. They've been bothersome, and my hair has been very thick and difficult to comb in some places atop my head.

Maybe Coco would know.


Some tears are visible on the page, and the handwriting is shaky. As if the one writing was trembling.

I miss Coco...

6/15/10 - Return to Form

I'm back home now. Finally, after over a month away, I'm home! My plan worked!

You see, Grandmother wanted me away from my journal and literature because it was "taking away from my development as a young lady". So... what if that time didn't mean anything to her either?

So, it didn't.

While I did learn a lot, not that she was able to tell. I ignored her. Even when she took my journal, and stopped me from using the gramophone for damaging the records, I persisted!

And it worked!

She had one final outburst, before sending me home with a letter for father. I didn't open it, although I so longed to on the way back! But Father would know.

Coco took care of my ants too! They're all alive! And she even left the radio playing!

I'll check them tomorrow for any real changes, for now... I wanna sleep in my bed.

A letter for her father... mayhaps it's in his room? That's your next target as you leave the room. Walking to the back of the house, his room is as small as his daughters, and just as jam packed with strange technology. Going into a filing cabinet, there is a collection of files and paperwork. Blueprints, sketches, designs, you name it. As well, a collection of journals like his daughters. Although those are better left for another time, as you find the object of your search; the letter stamped with a little eagle.

Opening it, you find a letter addressed to the man.

Dear Giovanna Mercury,

I am writing to inform you of my decision to return Vera to your care after an extended stay with me. While I initially welcomed the opportunity to provide her with guidance and a proper upbringing, I regret to say that my efforts have proven fruitless.

Vera has proven to be as stubborn and eccentric as yourself, refusing to adhere to the standards of decorum and propriety expected of a young lady. Despite my best efforts to instill in her the values of obedience and refinement, she has persisted in her foolish pursuits, neglecting her studies and damaging valuable possessions in the process.

I must inform you that she has caused irreparable damage to the records and gramophone in her possession, demonstrating a reckless disregard for property and a lack of respect for authority. Furthermore, her behavior has become increasingly erratic, with claims of hearing something in the static and experiencing unusual sensations in her eyes, which she attributes to her incessant reading.

I fear that her mind has been tainted by your own eccentricities and that she is beyond the reach of conventional education and upbringing. It is my sincere hope that you will be able to exercise greater control and influence over her behavior than I have been able to.

Please be advised that I can no longer bear the burden of her care and must insist that she remain under your supervision henceforth.

Yours sincerely, Daisy Colenwell

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