A Change of Views

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Finishing this journal, you go back to her room to get the next one. Although, of course, there are many. So instead, you skip ahead to something that seems... interesting. A book that's missing. Strange, given they're all here and nicely organized.

3/1/17 - A Change of Views

The handwriting is frantic, and lacking the pizazz found otherwise.

The fools at the school have ruined my journal! I brought it with me to continue my studies even there, and yet, my progress has been thrown away!

My progress in deciphering the static has been slow yet steady. Slowly, I've been piecing together the messages in the static, even if some would call it a damper on being a proper lady. As if I care.

But fear not! I shall restate some of my findings here, as to make up for lost time!

In a bulleted list are some events.

- I have been treated rather unjustly for someone of my stature. This mistreatment has been linked to another recent change.

- My eyes having been troubling me, but I have realized why. They were changing to better perceive the gaps, now resembling those of a cat.

- In a strange twist, I now possess two sets of ears, one being in the form of a cat's! While very useful for hearing the static from anywhere, it has also become a point for others to shun and outcast me for it.

Although I am pissed that Jamison Mathew would damage my journal while I was in the bathroom, I am aware it is not in my place to cause a scene. It would achieve naught but unwanted attention. Even if I would love to give him a piece of my mind.

Despite all this, I shall return to my studies with renewed vigor. The search to decipher the static continues, and I won't let anyone or anything get in my way.

3/7/17 - A Change of Views

I am... beginning to doubt my studies. It has been so long and, despite my dwindling progression, I have yet to get a word down of what is in the static.I question whether or not it's my imagination or not, although I think it may be. After all, nobody else can hear or sense it, and I have yet to get an agreement that it is present.

This is... troubling me, to say the least. It has been an ever present doubt for years, of course. Yet it has not been as bothersome as it is now. So many years and little real progress. If I could perhaps perform my butterfly experiment on a person to determine if others can notice it, then I would feel more confident again.

Alas, there is little chance of that. Both for ethics, and because nobody would join me in such a study willingly.

I suppose my ants must suffice for the time being.

3/20/17 - A Change of Views

Father has a business meeting today, and I am to attend. I was under the impression that such would be simple, yet, his prospective patron is bringing their son with them. And not just anyone, but that despicable Jamison.

One can only hope they are more well mannered around their father.

There's a break in the page. Seems some time has passed between these two entries.

That... that bastard did worse this time! Rather than just damaging records of my studies, my ant tank is destroyed!

And worse yet, they shall be revisiting later to have a discussion with father, and I am to leave them be due to the importance of them as a patron!

If I was pissed before, I'm infuriated now! Not only did he damage my journal, but now ruin my experiment! I didn't know if it would be great progress, but that's not the point! Now a new specimen in order to learn if others can sense the static!

...that's it. Another specimen. If he would rather hamper my experiments, then he can make up for it with his unwilling contributions.

4/6/17 - A Change of Views

They were getting close to realizing where Jamison was, however, news came in and distracted them from their prior searching area, granting me time to move the research area.

The news?

World War. It is shocking news for all of us, however, it will not distract me from my studies. Some faux pity, and I'm quick to move back to my research.

I shall record my results here.

- They were initially struggling to grasp the static at all, and instead just seemed deranged. Crying and sobbing endlessly.

- After exposure, their understanding of static has yet to increase, however, they seem to be saying things just to appease me.

I do hope that they can cease this appeasement and lying, or I will have to call the results invalid and cease the study. I would rather not lose a valuable test subject so early.

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