Cuddling (jaiden)

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Takes place before allstars, maybe about 5 months after season 2.
Aiden POV:

   Boom! Crack! The sound of thunder and lightning kept ringing through my ears.  This is the worst night ever! I can't fall asleep and theres a storm. I hate storms. I look over next to me to see James, sleeping soundly. He looked so cute, cuddled up with his pillow, almost reminded me of a puppy. I wish I could sleep how he did, he had no trouble falling asleep. BOOM! The loud noise made me flinch. There was no way I could sleep in this. I got up from the bed and paced around the house, trying to find something to distract me from the storm. Nothing was striking of interest though, all I was able to think about was the storm. I groaned and plopped on the couch. I grabbed a pillow and put it over my ears.

    "Aiden? Baby?" I heard James's voice. I turned around to see him walking into the living room. "Can't sleep?" He asked. He knew me so well. God I love him so much.

    I nodded. "Yeah...the storm's kinda freaking me out. I hate thunder so much." I looked out the window, rain was pouring from the sky. James put his hand on my chin and turned my head back. He gave me a soft kiss and scooted next to me, his arm around my waist.
    "I'm here babe, If you feel more comfortable near me." James grinned at me. His smile. His smile is so cute.
   "Yeah, that does make me feel better." I laughed a bit and put my head on James's shoulder.
    "Why don't we go back to the bedroom and we can cuddle up?" James suggested.

    "Yes please!" I took my head off his shoulder and got up from the couch. Once James got up, I held his hand on the way back.

   I lied down on top of James, putting my arms around him and resting my face on his chest. He put his arms around me, and kissed my forehead.
    "Goodnight, try to fall asleep ok?" He said before closing his eyes
    "Thanks babe, I love you." I smiled and closed my eyes as well. James's warmth felt good, it made me feel way more comfortable than just lying next to him. This reminded me of the time where he cuddled with me when I was scared during our season.
"I love you too baby." James began to rub my head.



Anyway i hope u liked it :3



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