Drunk (jaiden fluff)

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Guys i promise ill get the requests in I just got motivation to write back so im still brainstorming about what to do for the requests but I have a jaiden brainrot rn so IM SORRY ILL GET THEM DONE SOON I SWEAR!!!!
Also this isn't smut dw I dont write that☺️. no one here is 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂

Aiden POV:

"Uhm...James are you ok?" I looked over at James, his head was on the counter. This was like his 3rd beer.

"yEeeeesS! Why wouldn't I beEeE..?" he turned his head over to look at me and grinned. Yeah, he's definitely drunk.

"Right...try standing up mister." I smirked, knowing he probably couldn't do it.

"UhHm! I can ssstand!" James tried to get up but immediately fell into me. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. James groaned. "I don't feel wellll..."

"No shit!" I got up from the chair while trying to stabilise James. "Do you wanna sleep? It probably will make you feel better." I asked.

"Nahhh ahaha... I can party all night yayyy!" James slipped but held him before he could fall. "Mrfm..." He grumbled and looked at the floor.

"Who would you be partying with? We're the only one here..." I laughed, he was acting really stupid.

"oh damn... I dunnoo!" James looked up at me and grinned. "Kiss meee!!"
"Huh?" I blankly stared at him.
"Give me a kiss!!!" James pointed at his lips.
"Cause I'm in love with youuuuhooo!"

I couldn't stop laughing. "I'd hope you are babe! We've been dating for a long time now!"
James looked into my eyes "You're cute."
"Aww!" I smiled.
"Can you kisss mee now?" He asked. I stared into his dark brown eyes, they looked back at me with love. I sighed.

"Okayyy." I pressed his lips against mine and put my hand on his face. They kind of tasted like beer, which wasn't what I wanted but its ok because its my boyfriend's beer lips. James looked up at me with admiration in his eyes. "Did I mention how much I'm in loveee with youu?" He hugged me.

This comment made my heart flutter, he was being so sweet to me, and the way he was looking at me oh my god. He's amazing in every way possible. "Yea, and I'm so grateful that you do, because I love you too baby!" I grinned and hugged him back. "Alright, I think you should get to sleep now honey."

"Oh-kayy babbbyyy." I helped him walk to the bedroom and put him in bed. He put his hands out. "Can you come heree with meee?"

"Alright." I got into the bed with James and cuddled up next to him. I kissed his forehead before falling asleep.

James POV:

When I woke up, Aiden was right next to me, his head nuzzled with mine. What happened last night? I only remember almost falling on my face. After a few moments, Aiden blinked his eyes open.

   "Good morning babe." He yawned sleepily, putting his arms around me.

   "Oh shit how drunk was I?" I asked.

   "Well...you mentioned that you were in love with me, almost made me fall over like three times, and begged me to kiss you so I'd say pretty drunk." He teased.

I laughed and looked into his beautiful greenish blueish eyes. "At least I didn't lie. Either way, how the hell did I even get that drunk?" Aiden shrugged.

   "I'm happy that you love me." He said and pulled me closer.

   "And I'm happy that you love me too baby!" I kissed his forehead.


James comeback i beg of u please james ily anywayss!

Theyre my dads who r my siblings 🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏

Theyre my dads who r my siblings 🔥🔥🙏🙏🙏

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