Prank (tomjake fluff)

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Request by @Ph0togr4phy !!

Ayyayaya idk how to explain what's happening but this idea was from my friend in a disc sever :3
Based of a greeting where yk Jake rates all the DC AS males !!


Tom POV:

    I was literally in cloud 9 all day today, Jake and I had just talked again and gotten back together. He KISSED me!! Jake's lips. I missed that taste. It felt right. I don't know why I was avoiding him for so long. I should've just talked to him. Either way, I was trying to make my way to Magenta team's tent without anyone on my team noticing I was gone and also, I had to make sure no one else on magenta saw me but Jake. I heard a lot of chatter and laughter as I grew closer to the tent. It was Jake, Ashley, and Ally sitting by the fire. I tried to listen to what they were saying.

    "No because James and Hunter literally look like they walked out of a romance movie oh my good they are finee!" Jake cackled.

   Fine? like as in hot? What about me? I slouched behind the tree and grumbled quietly so no one would hear me. Why was he talking about them? I don't know I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions but I just feel...jealous?

   "Yeah so TOTALLLYYY hot!" Ally said, being obnoxiously loud, almost like it was on purpose.

    "Oh yeah and Alec, like DAMN!!" Jake also got louder. Ok they were definitely planning something, I bet they all know I'm here. Maybe hiding behind a tree wasn't the best idea. But I still stayed quiet. But also Alec? Not me? Blech!

   I kept hearing them whispering things like "He won't budge!" And "what else do we do?" I rolled my eyes, I don't think they know how to whisper right. "You know what just come out here Tom!" Jake looked straight at the tree I was at.

   "Okay, okay." I walked over to Jake as Ashley and Ally started laughing. Jake put his hand on my shoulder.

   "You know I could hear you groaning whenever we mentioned someone elses name right?" Jake smirked and giggled.

   "Really? Come on was this all set up?" I sighed. Jake kiss my cheek and said, "You really are gullible huh?" He took my hand. "Walk with me!"

   I smiled, "sure, I guess I am pretty gullible...but Atleast I know it wasn't real, if you didn't think I was fine I would've not been able to sleep." Jake laughed and started walking, dragging me with him.

   "Come on you look really good and you know I think that!" He held my arm and put his head on my shoulder. I kissed Jake's forehead and we walked in the forest until sunset came, then he sat me down.

   "I'm happy that we're back together, I missed you." Jake looked up at me with a loving faze.

   "Me too, I've missed you for  all the years we weren't together." I paused. "Ok that trick was really mean." I jokingly nudged Jake.

  "Oh come on it was funny!" Jake laughed. I held his face with my hand and kissed him before saying, "yeah I guess hah! I love you Jake." He looked up at me with a soft adorable smile and a sparkle in his eyes.

  "I love you too Tom!" He rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.



sorry for just getting to ur requests, i'll try to do more tonightt!!

Jam i need u back please I beg 💔💔

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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