Jealous (Trevek)

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Idk this takes place after allstars ep 7 idk when tho so yay


Trevor POV:

   I was looking for Derek, waiting to see if he'd finally want to hang out with me for a change. I've been trying to "move on" like how Connor said, but it's just way too hard. I love him so much, but he'll never know that.

   His eyes...his hair...his smile...his laugh... just everything about him. I hate feeling jealous. Kristal and Derek are probably just nothing, friends, but then why won't Derek be with me? It's all about Kristal right now. What happened to us? I just don't understand. I wish I could go back in time to see what I did wrong.
    I noticed a person in a green uniform walking into the staff tent. Derek. He was alone, I looked over my shoulder to see if Kristal was there. She wasn't. I took a deep breath and walked over to the tent.

    Derek was staring at the cameras, his arms crossed. "Derek!" I came up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder. He immediately turned around with a surprised look.

   "Jesus Trevor don't scare me like that!" He frowned.

   "Sorry sorry!" I started to fidget with my hands a bit. I tried to get straight to the point. "Why are you being so...rude?"
    Derek looked at me with a blank expression. "Uhm I...uh. Well..." he was at a loss for words. "I'm normally rude Trevor." He finally said.

    "Yeah, but you're never non-sarcastically mean to me, and now you are I just don't understand what happened." I stated

"I don't know Trevor, but I feel like you just don't want me hanging out with Kristal?" He confronted.

I panicked for a second. "Whatt? No! That's not true, why wouldn't I want you to have new friends?" I laughed, I suck at lying.

"Oh my god Trevor..." Derek sighed. "Why do you have to be so sensitive?"

"Ok so...I asked why you were treating me like shit then you asked me why im sensitive? What do you mean? You're the one who's ignoring me, and the times you don't ignore me, you make fun of me or tell me to do 'intern work' I don't get why you don't have to do any of it." I put my hands on my hips, I was starting to get annoyed with Derek.

"Oh come on Trevor, Kristal just likes me better, she actually respects me." Derek said while rolling his eyes.

"She 'respects you?' Like how I've also been trying to do? You just won't let me have a normal conversation with you anymore!" I crossed my arms and looked Derek up and down. "You know what Derek? Keep your little respectful friend. Kiss her whatever see if I care. I'm done listening to your stupid bullshit!" I walked away from Derek not turning back.

"Kiss her...? Trevor what-" I didn't want to listen to him anymore

Derek POV:

I watched Trevor walk away with a heart broken expression. Why do I always push away the people I love? I sighed and looked back to see Emily coming into the tent.

"Yikes...saw that whole thing. Good job pushing him away." She started to check her nails.

"I don't want to push him away..." I said, looking back to where Trevor was just standing.

    "Why not? He's just so annoying and clingy." Emily looked up at Derek with a judgmental expression.

    "Don't say that about him." I glared at Emily
    "Why? You don't even like him." She stated, going back to checking her nails.

    "Because...I love him?" I leaned against the chair behind me.

"DEREK FUCKING JOHNSON." Emily stared at me with a shocked glance. Mouth wide open.
   "What? What did I say?" I asked, genuinely confused.

    "GO TO TREVOR RIGHT NOW. Have you seriously not taken any of the hints? You're such a dumbass!" Emily scolded me.

    "What-? Whu-why?" I blankly stared at her.

    "He clearly likes you? All he's been doing is trying to get your attention, and literally becoming jealous when you're hanging out with someone else? Also you even like him back but you're just making him feel bad! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Emily put her hand on her face and shook her head.

   I gasped. "Oh shit. You're right!" I started to run out the tent. Emily groaned. "Why do I work with such dumbasses."

Trevor POV:

   I walked into the woods, sat down, and started to cry. I have no idea what I did wrong and Derek is still acting like a dick.

   "Trevor!" A voice I never expected to hear spoke from a distance. I quickly whipped my tears as Derek came panting over.

   "Trevor I'm actually so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I don't hate you. You're not annoying. I'm sorry." Derek stared at me with genuine sadness in his eyes.

   I stood up, "Then why are you acting like this?" I asked and crossed my arms.

   Derek started to tear up. "I don't know Trevor! I'm in love with you but I'm scared! I'm scared of loving a boy! I shouldn't be but I am!" He said.

   I stared at him. That was not something I expected to come out of Derek's mouth.

   Derek started to sob. "I love you. I'm sorry Trevor I really am. I don't know why I tried to push you away."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Derek...I love you too. You don't need to be scared of loving a boy."

    Derek pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry Trevor."

   "It's ok Derek...thank you for being honest with me." I held his head and put my hand on his chest, then pulled him into a kiss. He was surprised at first, but kissed me back.


Me if they don't become canon

I love trevek (pls help its like 2 am and i've posted three stories in the span of 2 hours)

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I love trevek (pls help its like 2 am and i've posted three stories in the span of 2 hours)

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