Get up (jaiden once again)

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Boom shaka laka (srsly what do I write up here)



Aiden POV:

   I woke up this morning to James's arms around my body, his face right next to mine. I felt bad waking him up, but I couldn't move, so I (non-violently) tried to shake him.
   "James? James get up!" He opened his eyes groggily and yawned, not taking his arms off me.

   "Hmm?" He askrd sleepily. James closed his eyes and nuzzled his head against mine.

    "Can I get up?" I sat up, but James put his arms around me again and said nothing. "Babe are you serious?" I sighed and laid back down.

    "Yes I am serious. you're staying here, you woke me up now you're paying the consequences."  James smiled, with his eyes still closed.

    "Please?" I turned over to him.

    "No." James opened his eyes and kissed me on the lips. "Just stay with me we don't even need to get up yet it's only 8:30." He hugged me tighter.

   I sighed. "Come on. Please pretty please let me get up?"

    "What for?" James asked.

    "...I don't know uhm to...get up?" I rubbed my eyes.

    "Babyyy cuddle up with meee!" James insisted, and kissed my cheek.

   I rolled my eyes at him. "Why babe pleaseee. We can do this tonight?" I put my arm around his neck.

   "Because I don't want to get up yet but I want to be close to you." James nuzzled his head against mine again.

    "Finee. I hate you so much." I said, as I laid my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his body. James also held me tight and kissed my forehead. I kissed him on the lips back.

   "Yeah I can tell you hate me." He teased and started to play with my hair.



I love jaiden guys yayayayayay

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