Forget her (aleconnor)

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They should totally kiss in the show with passion bc like old man yaoi! Man i love old man yaoi!
This takes place like right after allstars bc idk when or if Alec gets out 🙀🙀⁉️⁉️
Connor POV:

    Riya and I were arguing as usual. She won't leave me alone. I hate her. But I still have a little part of me who still has that spark. That little spark of love. I don't even know if that spark is still about love if it's just because I miss the old Riya. I don't like that spark it hurts me. I have to get away from Riya, she's too much for me to handle right now.

    "Connor come on! Stop ignoring me! We can work things out!" Riya was yelling trying to have me get her attention.

   "I've already told you. I don't want to work things out! You always talk down on me. All i've ever EVER done has been nice to you, yet you still say all those hurtful things. Do you know how hard that is with a person like you?" I started to tear up. All Riya's ever done has made me feel bad about myself. I just wanted her out of my life.

   Riya rolled her eyes "Oh come on Connor you know I didn't mean any of that! It was just what the fans wanted to hear!"

    "Really? It's always oh my fans! My fans this, my fans that! You never cared about me. I'm done Riya. Don't talk to me again." I started to walk away from her.

   "CONNOR! YOU SHIT HEAD GET BACK HERE!" I didn't even turn around.

Walking time skip.

    I ended up walking into the woods. I found a little stream and sat down. I started to cry. I hated that I felt this way. I don't think I have feelings for Riya, but I just can't tell. It's too much for me to handle. Theres to many thoughts in my head right now.

Alec POV:

   I was taking a walk, the sky was a orangish pink, it looked very pretty. I suddenly heard crying coming from the stream. It sounded familiar. I decided to investigate the sound, so I walked over to where it was coming from. I saw Connor sitting down. His face in his knees. Crying. I had not idea what he was crying about, yet still felt bad for him. Jesus I need to get over this little crush. I walked over and to him.

   "Hey man, are you ok?" I asked, with genuine concern in my voice.

   "Why do you care? I bet you don't trust me because you found out about the letters." He scoffed and looked away.

    I sat down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Connor...I'm not mad at you, but I feel like you're mad at me. I didn't want to vote you, it was just strategy. But I feel bad." I looked down at the leaves.

    "I don't want to be mad at you Alec." Connor said. "Thank you..." I looked up and noticed his tears coming back.

    " want to talk? I'm here." I asked Connor.

   He sighed. "It's Riya. She won't let me go. I don't like having to argue with her every like 2 hours. I just hate how much she's changed. I'm glad I was able to move on...but a little part of me misses the old Riya." Connor looked at the stream, watching the water flow down.

   Riya. God that jerk. I gave Connor a big hug. "I'm happy that you were able to move on, but I get it. It's hard when she keeps getting mad at you even when you're not even together." I broke the hug off, though I liked that feeling of being close to Connor.

    "Alec...thank you." He smiled at me. His smile. Connors smile. I love his smile. Without thinking, I pulled him into a kiss. Once I realized what I had just did, I quickly pulled away. SHIT.

   "Oh shit. Uh-sorry Connor I didn't mean uh...that." I blushed. Why did I do that? That was so stupid.

    Connor stared at me. "No, don't be sorry, I liked it."

   "I beg your pardon?" I blinked blankly.

   "I liked it." He repeated. Connor moved closer to me and pulled me into another kiss, but this time neither of us pulled away, and we were closer to each other. My hands were on his shoulders, his were around my waist. It was a nice kiss, way better than my ex-wife's kisses. About ten seconds later, I heard a gasp. Connor and I stopped to look back and see who was there.

   "CONNOR YOU BITCH!" Riya looked like she was about to explode.

Connor POV:

  I looked Riya up and down. "Didn't I just tell you to leave me alone?" I finally found out what my feelings were, I loved Alec. Not Riya.

   "I hate you, how could you do that in front of me?" Riya glared at me.

   "We aren't dating, plus you walked in on us kissing it wasn't 'in front of you.' Come on Alec, let's take a walk together. I stood up and offered him my hand, which he took. I was happy to walk away from Riya with someone who actually likes me and will treat me like a person who has feelings. I didn't even care that Riya was watching the whole time. It felt that the weight was lifted off my shoulders.


Holy this took me a bit to write


I love aleconnor.

I love aleconnor

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Old man yaoi!!!

Ok bye bye

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