Chapter 29

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Luke pov
Today was Christmas Eve and I was going to Ari house to exchange secret Santa gifts and other with the rest of the group. I pulled out my phone and texted Ari.
To fruttie Tuttie😘😏 from fruit loop😘😋
Hey I'm on my way
Fruttie Tuttie😘😏- okay fruit loop see you then
I took the 10 minute drive to her house, I walked through the door And ran to her room but sadly my long legs tripped over one another and I face planted into the stair
"Luke?!" I heard Rei yell
"Come on Hemmos the rest of the guys are here and this moment could not get any more awkward"
We all walked down stairs into aris living room
"Okay everyone exchange gifts with their secret Santa and then we will exchange other gifts" Reilly spoke taking charge as usual
I gave my gift to ash as calum gave me mine I opened re the card he gave me and a piece of paper fell it was an adoption certificate for a penguin that he named after me, on the card it wrote "now luke really is a penguin ;)" I smiled
"I love you calum!!!" I said
pouncing on him
"Your welcome buddy." He said pushing me of off him
"Awww Reilly you got me the cutest phone case ever thanks Bestfriend!"
"Np Bestfriend!"
"Thanks for the Liverpool jersey Ari" calum spoke
"your welcome"
"Okay okay secret Santas over can we do more presents now?" Mikey asked impatiently sometimes I question his age
"Yeah yeah" Rei spoke
"Here you go" Mikey passed me a few of my gifts, I opened the one from Reilly first it was a big plush penguin. I looked at it and then I stated
"Your name shall be George, George the big plush penguin." Ari laughed I open the rest of the guys gifts, of course Mikey gave me black hair dye. I had one more gift left it was from Ari it was a small box. As I opened it I find two tickets to the mayday parade concert and a guitar pick necklace that says A+L 7-20-14 on the front and on the back "to infinity". I looked up at her and smiled playing with the matching necklace around her neck except her said "and beyond".
"Now we can hear our song played live." She spoke.


Ashton pov
I was sitting in my room waiting for everyone to get here just playing my drum. I heard a soft thud of the door closing and then Harry and Ari came running into my room Lauren and Frankie were walking in tow
"ASHTONNNNN" they yelled
"Hello kids, Frankie how are you? long time no see"
I laughed
"In good, congrats on the tour and the album!"
We hung out in my room for a little while Harry and Frankie were goofing of as usual and Lauren was probably asking Ari about guy advice.
"Lauren I don't know if I would ask Ari for advice she's dating luke" I spoke jokingly
"What's wrong with me?"
Luke asked
"Nothing buddy I was kidding"
"I knew you loved me ashley." He engulfed be a in a hug
"Harold nice to see you again" he nodded at Harry making him laugh
"Hey Frankie." He spoke sitting down next to Ari wrapping his arms around her putting his chin in her shoulder
"Luke." He nodded trying to look intimidating
"So Lukas did you see my father down there?"
"No I ran up here." Lauren laughed at him
"I'm here losers come on were eating!" Mikey yelled from the stairs
We all went down stairs my mom had made dinner with the help of Liz and Aris step mom Deb.
"Dinner looks great ladies." Andy spoke
We all ate in silence the parents talked sometimes, poor luke looked terrified he was sitting next to Ari across from her dad who kept glancing at luke. After we are dinner and desert we went to the living room and opened presents from the people that we won't we tomorrow Aris Family got me gift certificate to the music store, Harry got one to sports store and Lauren got on to the mall (like those gifts card that can go to store in that mall) we got her and Frankie gift certificates too. Liz and Andy got me socks (so he could rock out with some new socks out) and over things we had gotten luke well I had gotten luke underwear so he would stop taking mine cals and Mikey's we got him so actual gifts too though.
I got Mikey a all time low shirt and he got me a smashing pumpkins tee.

Reilly POV

After the very exciting secret Santa and present exchanging I went home to change. I changed into a casual maroon dress since I was told it was casual, but I still wanted to look nice. Calum asked me to come over to his house for Christmas Eve dinner. I drove to Calum's at 5:30pm. I drove up to the Hood house and saw no one was home. Maybe Cal was inside. I rang the door bell once then waited. After 3 rings of the bell I took out my phone and dialed Calum.
"Hello." Cal answered.
"Hey, I'm at your house. Where are you?"
"Oh. I'm at the store with my mum. Your really early." He said.
"You told me to get here at 5:30."
"No I didn't. I said 6:30. I'll come home and meet you." He explained.
"It's fine."
"No! I'm not leaving you by yourself at my house. The spare key is in the bush to the right. It should be in a capsule."
"I can just wait here." Not wanting to be intruding when no ones home.
"No go in. I'm getting in my car so I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said as I heard the car door close.
"Okay." I took the key and opened the door. I then put it in back.

Never let Me Go{DISCONTINUED}(rewritten as Miles Away)Where stories live. Discover now