Siren call pt 3

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When I was making dinner Elijah helped me. He stirred the pot that had beef stew in it as I chopped the loaves of bread. "Y/n why don't you live in the ocean with the others?" He asked. I sighed "well when I was little, my family was killed by vampire sirens. And so I fled my home and met a very powerful siren. She took pity on me and gave me my necklace which allowed me to live on land" I said. "I'm sorry" he said. "It's okay after 403 years it's not something I think much of anymore" I replied. "How many people know of your kind" he asked. "Just you" I said. He looked at me with a confused look. "There are tales of mermaid sightings but if people knew we existed fisherman would hunt us" I said. He hummed.
We sat down at the kitchen island eating. "Did you feed today" I asked him. "I did yes, while you were out" he replied. I hummed. Elijah set his fork down and looked at me. I met his gazed and tried to figure out what he was thinking. "You're lonely" he said. I tilted my head. "What makes you say that" I asked. "Well you live alone, there are no pictures of you and friends anywhere around your house. It was a bold assumption" he replied. "Well I guess you could say you're right" I said. "Have you never found love?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Why's that? You're a beautiful woman, with a kind heart why have you never found anyone to love?" He asked. I shrugged "I just don't trust anyone I guess, I'm scared that when I tell them what I am they'd leave. And I guess the right person hasn't come along" I replied. He nodded understanding what I said.
We sat on the couch watching a movie and drinking wine. "Elijah?" I asked. He turned his attention to me, his eyes meeting mine. "Yes?" He replied. "Have you ever found love?" I said. He set his glass down and met my gaze again. "Yes but it didn't work" he said. "How come?" I asked. He sighed. "She loved someone else" he replied. "I'm sorry" I said. "Don't be, I'm not heart broken about it no more" he said. I smiled feeling happy for him. "What's it like" I asked. "What's what like sweetheart" he asked. "To love someone" I asked. "Well it's different for everyone I would assume, but it's like you feel like you'd do anything for someone. Even if that meant letting them go" he replied. I nodded lingering on what he said.

"Here, it's for you to sleep in" I said handing him a pair of men's pajama pants and a white T shirt. "How did you get this?" He asked taking the folded clothes from my hands. "Men's clothing is more comfortable than women's sometimes" I said. He smiled. "Thank you" he replied. I smiled back at him. "Do you need anything before I go to sleep?" I asked. He shook his head no and I nodded. "Goodnight Elijah" I said. "Goodnight love" he replied.

The next couple of days I spent searching the ocean but not the cave. Elijah doesn't want me too, he's afraid I'd get hurt. He still stayed at my house which I didn't mind.

"No please don't" I screamed as a vampire siren began to swim closer and closer to me. My tails was caught in one of their seaweed traps. "Please just leave me alone" I yelled trying to free myself. He swam up to me grabbing me by my neck. I whimpered softly. "Please let me go" I cried.

Elijah Mikaelson imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now