Siren call pt 7

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My eyes fluttered open. My vision was blurry but it became crystal clear. I felt alive. "Love" I heard someone say. I looked over to the corner of my room to see Elijah. Oh Elijah. His face sad but relieved. "Elijah" I whispered. He gave me a sad smile. I sat up and he hugged me tightly. "Your okay I began to think it was too late" he said. "I'm okay Elijah" I said softly. "Wait" I said and pulled away from the hug. He looked at me with a confused face. "Am I?" I asked. He grew sad. "A vampire?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes you are" he replied. I looked down at. My hands. "I'm sorry y/n. I was being selfish when I said I couldn't loose you. I just haven't-" he started but I cut him off. "It's okay Elijah, I'm with you, I'm okay. That's all that matters" I said with a soft smile. I cupped his face with my hand and he leaned into it. Like he missed my touch. He was grey. And cold. "You haven't fed" I asked. He nodded his eyes closed. He was tired. "How long was I out for" I asked. He opened his eyes and met my gaze. "Three days" he replied. "Have you gotten any sleep, any food?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I wanted to stay with you. To be positive you were okay" he said. "Then let's go, you need to feed. You need sleep" I said. "You need to feed as well" he replied. I nodded and he stood up from the chair and took my hand.
"There that guy right there, can you compel" he asked. I smirked. "Say less" I said walking over to him. The man met my gaze and smirked lustfully. "Well look at you, a fine young lady" he said. Inside I vomited but on the outside I smiled. I heard Elijah laugh, he could tell I was disgusted. I looked into his eyes "you will follow me to the shared bathroom and when we get there you will not say a word or make a noise, understand" I asked. He nodded. I turned around and began walking to the bathroom. I opened the door and the man followed. I shut the door and locked it before digging my fangs into his neck.
Once I had my fill I pulled away and made eye contact with him once again. "You will not remember this happened and you will go about your day. "Yes ma'am" he replied. I smiled and left the bathroom.
I found Elijah where I left him. "How was that" he asked. "Easy" I replied. "Good" he said.
Me and Elijah sat on the couch my legs laid across his. "Did I get the dagger you wanted" I asked. Elijah looked at me "yes love" he replied. I nodded. But I was hurt. I didn't want him to leave. We got so close in such a short amount of time I didn't wanna let him go. "What bothers you" he asked. "Nothing" I replied not wanting to bring up the subject. "You're lying, I thought we were closer than that" he joked. I didn't laugh I just gave him a fake smile hoping it looked real. "So what now" I asked. His smile faded when he realized I was actually hurt. We both knew he couldn't stay in New Orleans. He came to me to furfill something and he needs to continue it. "I'm sorry love" Elijah said softly with a sad look on his face. I sighed standing up and began walking to my room. Tears welded in my eyes but I tried so so hard not to cry. "Y/n" he said catching my arm. "I can't stay" he said. I turned around. "This isn't fair" I replied. "What isn't" he asked. "You come into my life asking for a favor, you become the one person I tell everything to. You make love to me and when you get what you want you leave me. You told me about love and when I thought finally found it. I loose it" I said tears finally rolling down my face. Elijah stood there hurt as well. "If you knew you had to leave then why did you spend so much time here? I know I asked you too but I didn't know any of this would happen. If you knew you were gonna leave why did you sleep with me. Or kiss me or stay I-" I said but I was cut off. "Love I don't want to leave, you know that. But I have too. If anything I wanted in the world right now came true it'd be for us to be here, together. But I need to finish what I started back in Virginia. One thing I came to realize this week was I love you. I don't want to leave you. But I need to finish what I started" he said wiping tears from my cheeks. "Will you come back?" I asked. He sighed, I knew he couldn't his family was hell. They always had something to do. "I don't know love" he said sadly. I sighed finally accepting the fact that I may never see Elijah Mikealson again. "I'm sorry for blaming you" I said softly. "It's okay i understand" he replied. I small sob left my lips and I fell into his arms. He pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you" he said. "I love you too Elijah" I replied.
By morning Elijah left back to Virginia. I was heartbroken. I missed his touch. His smell. His voice. Everything. I missed him so much.

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