First Day

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Isabella's Pov

I woke up to the sound of pots crashing onto the floor, leaving an unpleasant echo. Sodapop carefully tiptoed into my room and shook me lightly.

"Hey Isa! First day is today! Time to get up and do your girly routine!" he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah I know, I've been up since someone dropped a pan on the floor."

"Oh Pony was trynna make eggs, but Two and Steve tackled him."

"Oh, well I'll get up then. Hey did Dal come here yet?"

"Sorry haven't seen him yet. He'll come around though. He probably got drunk last night and has a hangover." Soda shrugged. He looked down on my bed and noticed the shoe box.

"What's this?"

"Oh well it's the box full or memories filled with us together. I have like tickets to stuff, but I can't find the pics I took of us together. It'll show up though."

"Mhm well we all gotta leave soon so get ready!" Soda hopped onto his feet anf dragged me with him.

"But Soda its too EARLY!" I whined. I wasnt really a morning person.

He got me into the bathroom, and I started my regiment. Once he walked out, I body showered, shaved, and did all the necessary things to smell clean and fresh. I did my skincare, makeup, and then put my clothes on. I left my hair straight but added some cute little braids for fun . I spent maybe 35 minutes getting ready and walked out.

"Hey cuz you're breakfast is on the table. Hurry up because I'm driving y'all today." Darry said as he patted my head. I ate my bagel and bacon and grabbed my bag. I slung it over my shoulder and walked out with Pony as we all loaded into the Truck. Darry first dropped off Soda at the DX and then us two at school.

"Bye kiddos! Happy 1st day, I LOVE YOU!" Darry yelled making me and Pony hide in embarrassment.

"Alright Pony give me the tour," I beamed, slinging my arm over his shoulder.

"Ok let's find Johnny first."

We caught up with Johnny and they walked me around the school as my tour guides. They walked me to the front office and went there seperate ways as the bell rang.

"Hi I'm Isabella L/n!"

"Ah yes! Here is your classes and locker combination miss," she gave me a pale yellow folder and some papers inside.

"Have a good day!"

"You too!"

I walked into my homeroom and my teacher made me stand there awkwardly as he introduced me to my class. My homeroom was Biology which sucked. I hated Science, but needed the class since it was advanced.

"Isabella you can sit right there." he pointed next to a girl with dirty londe hair. I nodded and sat down next to her.

"Hi Im Olivia your new lab partner!" she wss energetic like me which I liked.

"Hi Im Isabella!"

"You can call me Ollie, what classes do you have?"

I gave her my schedule and she gasped. "OMG you have English and History with me! Oof you're taking Trig!?"

"Yay! Well I'm trynna go into college so I need the classes," I explained

"Oh wow!"

My teacher, Mr. Stevens, started the class and we started taking notes. The whole bell me and Ollie were writing notes to each other, sharing jokes, and dying laughing. The bell rang and everybody got up to go to lunch.

"Hey Isabella!"


"Your my new bestfriend, so I have to get you number now!" She said giving me her number.


I gave her my number and we walked to lunch together.

"Hey Johnny, hey Pones!" I sat next to them and Ollie stood behind me.

"Oh this is my nee bestfriend, Ollie!" I scooted over for her to sit and she took the invitation.

"Hi Ollie" Johnny and Pony said at the same time.

We ate and talked the whole time which was pretty normal. Johnny and Pony seemed to warm up to Ollie which was great. She had a real bubbly personality and I'm glad that she was friendly to me.

"Ollie?" A girl asked. We all turned around to see a red head girl and her group of friends.

"H-hey Cherry!"

"What are you doing with these Greasers?"

Ooh this girl was a bitch.

"Well see this is my new bestie Isabella!"

"Hi" I stood up to shake her hand. She gave me the nastiest stare so I sat down next to Pony.

"Well either stay here with them or come with us." she stated tapping her foot impatiently. I rolled my eyes.

"I think I'll stay here."

Cherry scoffed and strutted away with her friends to another table at lunch. Ollie took in a big sigh and leaned her head on her hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Well before I met you, I was friends with Cherry. It was kinda a fake friendship because our parentd are friends so it was a forced relationship."

"Oh so you don't like her?"

"No! She's super fake, has horrible humor, plus shes a bitch," she shrugged.

I giggled, and Johnny and Pony chuckled.

"Well I like you as my bestie because you're actually funny and nice!"


The day ended and so far it had a great turnout! I made a new bestfriend and my classes at the moment were really easy. I invited Ollie over for dinner and she happily joined. Life was going perfect..or so I thought.

If only I knew things were going to deescalate...

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