4. Are you in or out?

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"You what?" Redhead exclaimed holding the hem of my trouser "Did you just say you lost the cocaine" he asked his face scrunched up in annoyance

"You little shit" he said slapping me on the face and it sting so bad "you want to play with us boy" he sneered

"No, I swear I'm not playing with you, someone has taken it" i said feeling tears welling in my eyes

"No no no don't shed those tears yet we have somewhere to take you" he said dragging me to the car and pushed me in the back sit and the two guys entered

"You think you can just messed with us and go free" the redhead said from the front sit before starting the car and zooming off to an unknown destination.

I sat there crying my eyes out, my stomach has grumbled times without number out of hunger, this is getting to two days that I didn't eat.

I told Zara to go somewhere close to the bakery and wait for me there I will meet her when I come back.

I could have ran and not return to tell them I lost the powder, but they can easily find me and finding me means knowing about my sister, I was the only one who snatched the bag from them so I don't want to bring any trouble towards my sister.

"Get out!" the redhead shouted and I do just that.

I see we are back to that same warehouse and my heart skipped, they are taking me back to that creepy man with the knife I started thrashing around trying to free myself from their hands even though I know it is of no use, they drag me into the warehouse and pushed me down the stairs of the basement and no one was in there, I heard the door locked from the outside

I sat at the corner of the dark room and waited for hours, not knowing what my faith will be.

The door was opened from the outside and i see boss and his brother came in with redhead and the two men but this time around they are all holding a gun except for his brother who is holding a knife

I gulped feeling my throat went dry now out of fear not hunger

"Make him sit on the chair" the boss ordered and the two men picked me up like I weighed nothing, dropping me on the chair and tie my two hands to the armrest.

"Where is my cocaine?" he asked calmly, a little too calm for this situation

"Someone has taken it from where I drop it please let me go" I begged crying and exhausted

"Okay then" the boss said cocking his gun and pointing the gun at my head, am I going to die?

"Please don't kill me I will do anything please I'm begging you" I said shaking like a leaf

"Anything you said" he asked and I nodded "Nice choice Valentino" he said now taking the gun off my face

"untie him" he ordered and the two men step closer and untie my hands

"Now listen to me and listen carefully, you will either pay for the cocaine right this instant or you will have to work your ass off to pay me my money" he boomed, his dark eyes squinting at me that I flinched

"Please I don't have any money I'm barely surviving" I told him the truth because I don't know how much the powder is worth but whatever the amount is I know I won't be able to pay for it.

"Then working for me it is" he declared

"Please I don't want to join you I'm not a bad person" I whispered quietly

"You don't have much option here, and you seems like you even need the money right now" he said his dark eyes assessing me that I feel intimidated.

"Now are you in or out so that I can kill you fast and get this over with" he said raising the gun again, what will Zara said when she find out that I joined a gang, she knows of my petty theft but that is all about it.

Should I said yes or no?

If I agree I will get to live and be with my sister Zara but if I said no, I will die right here and no one will be able to find me, no one will be there to take care of Zara she will be all alone in this world

"I'm in" i whispered defeated and I see the boss smirked and then he get very close to my face and stated.

"you will always report to me at this warehouse every evening starting from today, Ethan here is my brother" he said pointing at his brother who is still playing with the knife in his hands

"and redhead here is Phillip but he like to be called redhead and this two are Louis and Sam" he said pointing at the two scary men, I'm sure they can crushed my skull with their hands.

"Give him some money, I don't want to see him this dirty by the evening" boss concluded walking up the stairs leaving me with Ethan, redhead Louis and Sam.

"Welcome to the Jeon's family" Ethan said enthusiastic but I'm not feeling good at all.

All my plans to find a good job one day and become a better brother to Zara is washed away in the drain now, I have always dreamed of getting a good job that will pay but not this type.

"Let's go, and your new name is V" the redhead said extending his hand for a handshake to which I hesitantly give.

"Stop behaving like a robot you are family now" they try to reassure me but I'm scared of what to come, what will they asked me to do.

They walk me out of the basement, Ethan gave me a phone and some cash and then the redhead dropped me at the neighborhood, telling me he will be coming back to get me in the evening for my first assignment at the same alley he dropped me.

I stand there already dreading the evening to come.

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