22. Let the cat out of the bag

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"You are back" Zara said coming to the table and sitting back on her chair.

I let out a sigh of relief, seeing she is fine.

"Yes I'm tired of staying outside" i lied, trying to fake a smile.

now that I looked around the booths, it seems like all the people in this restaurant are the scorpions.

I saw the man and the lady with the scorpion tattoo nodded at each other and she raised her long dress bringing out her gun, I take my own gun out clicking the safety off and shot her in the head and Edward didn't waste a second to to bring out his two guns and we start shootings at the scorpion

"Zara get down! lay on the ground!" I yelled but she is just staring at me wide eye.

I dragged her by her arm pushing her down under the table, we shoot back and just like I suspected, most of the people at the booths are the scorpions except for few who are screaming and laying on the ground

Edward raised the table to serve as a shield and we take cover behind it still shooting, I shot another man down and looked at Zara to see her staring right at me with so much emotions I can't pinpoint, one of them been disbelief and I know I'm in trouble

"Valentino take Zara and leave the restaurant!" Edward yelled at me because they are just getting much at shooting, but there is no way I will leave him here, I'm not a coward.

"I'm not going anywhere, I have texted redhead the address and they are on there way" i said to him and get up shooting back at them

I saw our own suv through the glass outside and redhead get out of the car before the car completely stopped and started shootings the scorpions outside, and Louis do the same the moment he get down, then Ethan stepped down with a machine gun in his hand.

the fuck is he doing.

I didn't stand any longer to see what he will do and rushed back to our booth because if Ethan start shooting with that machine gun, he will wipe everything on his way

The sound of glass shattering and women screaming and the sound of Ethan machine gun is the only sound i can hear and then silence

Redhead rushed inside looking for us and I motioned them over to our table, I looked at Edward and see him staring at Zara who is looking between me and Edward

We heard the sound of sirens coming closer

"let's get out of here" redhead said and I went to grab Zara but she moved back away from me and that makes my heart ache

I try again but she moved back and Edward picked her up in one swift move and she started screaming and hitting at him and I watched helplessly not knowing what to do

We rushed out of the now scattered restaurants and into the car, Louis speed to the mansion with Zara crying throughout the ride.

We get to the mansion and when the car stopped at the garage she ran out and I followed her before she run far and hold her

"Let me go Valentino!" She yelled fighting against my hold and all of them just stand there looking at us not knowing what to do and I won't blame them, I also doesn't know what to do right now.

"Zara listen to me let me explain" I begged but she is just crying

"You kill people" she said more like a statement than a question but I shake my head

"It's not like that Zara" i said wanting her to hear me out, it is not my liking to join the gang in the beginning, I wasn't given any option.

"I see you, you killed those people, you are a killer!" She yelled hitting me with every sentence "is that why you don't come back at night and you told me you are at work" she said crying "is killing people the work"

"Zara let me explain" i pleaded my voice shaking I don't even know if she will ever trust me

"There is nothing to explain I have seen everything with my own eyes" she yelled shoving my hands off her

"You lie to me" she whispered going down to the ground and I kneeled down to talk to her.

"I'm sorry Zara" i said heartbroken "I'm so sorry" i said holding her and this time around she didn't move away from me, instead she let me hold her, and I will stay there as long as she wanted me to if that makes her feel better

I looked to where the guys were standing and find only Ethan is standing there, the rest have gone inside the mansion living us to discuss our differences

This is why I never wanted to tell her, i never wanted her to find out but now that everything happens, I have to explain things to her, that I did not wanted to be in a gang at first but some desperate situations require desperate solutions

I'm in all this because my petty theft led me to stole from them.

And now all I'm feeling is guilt, pure guilt for lying to the most important person in my life

What have I done

"I'm sorry Zara please forgive me" I pleaded and she nodded I stand up from the ground and raised her up

"Let's go inside first we will tell you everything" i said to her and I feel her squeezed my hand. She is scared

We walk inside the living room and met Louis and redhead in a heated argument

"We can't tell her everything!" Louis seethed glaring at redhead

"Yes i will, and there is nothing you will do about it" redhead argued back.

"All of you should calm the fuck down" Edward yelled breaking the argument "that is my choice to make" he concluded now noticing the two of us in the room and the moment all there attention turn back to us, Zara gripped my hand and hide behind me

"All of you are dismissed" Edward ordered after noticing she is uncomfortable with all of there gaze on her, redhead smile at Zara, Sam just walked pass us and Louis bumped my shoulder even though there is enough space for him to follow

I will mess with him too when I'm done with this, for now Zara is my priority, I want to calm her down.

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