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- Quick warning: a massive portion of this is written from late April or smth before I grew unmotivated and stuff... so you'll immediately notice that ;-; also several errors possibly

You eventually find the school day coming to a close. The bell rings, indicating an end the final class period. A majority of people left already as you're continuing to grab your things.

It's a few minutes after the last bell rang, and as you're about to leave, you see a very familiar presence approach you. Your eyes widen very slightly when you realize who it was. It was that girl who you seen a few weeks back, Nene. A friend of Rui and Tsukasa's, too. You happen to notice Rui with her too.

"Uhm, you're Tsukasa's twin sibling right?" Nene asked, seeming nervous. Feeling anxious yourself as well, you just nod seemingly in reply.

"Okay, uhm... I can't find him so do you know where he is? W-We need to tell him something real quick." Nene said.

You nod once more. "Y- Yes... He should be at the front entrance."

Nene sighs. "Okay, thank you..— Uh.." "[Y/N]" Rui adds with his usual ":3" smile, assuming Nene was wanting your name.

"T- Thank you, [Y/N]." Nene said as she went to go get Tsukasa, Rui following. You sigh in relief as they leave.

You assumed you should probably stay where you are for a minute or two to give them privacy, and then you'll go downstairs. And that's exactly what you did.

When you feel about a couple minutes pass, you go downstairs. Thankfully, Rui and Nene were done talking to Tsukasa. You quickly switch out your shoes and catch up to Tsukasa... Before you could could even say anything, a ginger-haired boy with a singular blonde streak who seems to look like a second year, approaches Tsukasa.

"Hey. Is Toya on library duty again?" The boy asked. He seemed intimidating and little angry at first, but... suddenly not-so-angry appearing and speaking nicely now?

Tsukasa seemed confused by it but didn't say anything. "He probably is! I bet he is if he's nowhere else." Then the ginger left.

"You look confused?" You said to Tsukasa when the guy left. He sighs. "Yeah, he usually has some problem with me! I'm confused as to why he was so nice? Then again, Nene did kind of say he's kind of more relaxed around people he doesn't know. She also calls him 'two-faced..?'"

"Nene..? That's.. Rui's friend, and yours, right?" You ask. Tsukasa nods. "Yes! She is— Wait, how do you know that?"

You pause momentarily, feeling weirdly flustered for no reason, blushing gently. "Erm, Rui told me once. It's kind of hard to forget it... Also she kind of asked me a few minutes ago about where you were."

Tsukasa seems surprised for a second. "Oh, I see! Well, we should go get Saki now, right?" You nod.

Once you both pick up Saki and go home, the evening flies and before you know it you're back at school. Although you hated it, at least it was a Friday.

You were just sitting down at your table when you suddenly hear Rui come in from the backdoors in the class. You slightly overhear his conversation with Tsukasa before you suddenly feel his presence approach you, filling you with some sort of anxiety.

Sighing softly, you attempt to calm yourself before he talks to you and then look in his direction. "Are you still free after school? I just felt like I needed to make sure, just in case." He asked

"Oh, yeah. I- I am." You said and Rui smiled. "Okay, thank you, [Y/N]." You nodded in return.

"You're welcome." You mutter in reply, but Rui thankfully still heard you. As he left, you turn around and look down at your table. For some reason, your chest felt oddly fuzzy, but you didn't know why. Rui left, and the conversation wasn't bad like you were worrying about, so why did it feel like that?

Lowering your head, you feel your forehead become full of soreness due to feeling conflicted. What in the hell has you feeling like this? You had no idea. You were thinking you could speak to Tsukasa or Rui about it but you really didn't know about that either. Sure, you shouldn't keep it to yourself, but you really didn't have an idea on how to say it... And well, you didn't say anything. At least not yet maybe.

Eventually, it becomes time for lunch but you had spaced out during class, becoming dazed and in your world basically, so you missed the bell entirely and just were staring at your table.

Amidst your scattered thoughts while zoning out, Tsukasa was tapping on your shoulder and had to shake you a little snap you out of it even.

Tsukasa shaked you a bit, yelling tumultuously. "[Y/N]? HELLOOOOO?!" As Tsukasa yelled, Rui just awkwardly watched.

"I'm not sure if doing that will help, Tsukasa-kun..." Rui said lightly just as you snapped out of your daze.

You look around at Tsukasa, flinching gravely. "T- Tsukasa, what are you doing?" You asked.

"You did not respond to me, so I was shaking you!" Tsukasa explained, and you sighed heavily, looking away.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." You say, and right as you say that, that feeling comes back again. It just feels stronger this time though. You lower your head, thinking about why the hell it felt so weird.

Rui and Tsukasa both stare at you in concern. "Hey, [Y/N]... Are you okay?" Tsukasa asks.

"Uhm," you pause, and then continue mumbling under your breath, "I am. I just keep randomly getting this strange feeling in my chest, and it'll just randomly go away and come back."

"Hm, perhaps you're just anxious? I mean, certainly it's not anything too concerning from the looks of it. Is there anything you're worried about in particular?" Rui asked. You think momentarily.

"Oh.. well," you pause for a second, "I suppose, so.. yeah— that's probably it. It's nothing too big though, I promise." You mutter.

"Anyway, were we going to have lunch together again..?" You ask, and Tsukasa nods.

"Yeah! It looks like it's gonna rain though outside, so we were gonna stay inside today." Tsukasa explained. "We could sit in here, that'll probably be the easiest thing to do."

You and Rui nod. "Yeah, it is."

As you say that, Tsukasa thinks for a moment. "Oh! Here!" Tsukasa grabs a seat from the table in front of you, turning it around to make it face your table. "Rui can sit next to you!" He smiled.

You nod, and Rui sits next to you. You eye him for a moment but look away again. Your chest feels weirder but you ignore it.

All of lunch break you were mostly silent. You were in your head, thinking as Rui and Tsukasa chatted. Of course you didn't mind it, but at the same time, instead of your chest feeling fuzzy— it just ached.

"Why does my heart feel so heavy?" You ask yourself in your head. "I'm not upset they're leaving me alone. I'd make it awkward anyhow. So why does my chest hurt...?"

Your mind goes quiet for a moment. "I'm not too sure, it's probably nothing though." You sigh as you say those words in your head, lowering your head somewhat.

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