| Chapter 1 |

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A/N: I am open to all suggestions, and criticism. When required, I may ask the readers (you) about some decisions I am unable to finalize.

A seven-year old Harry Potter lay in his bedroom- the cupboard under the stairs. He recounted the happenings of the Halloween of 1981 perfectly clearly, and knew of magic. What he didn't know was the reason his parents left him with the Dursleys- horrible, horrible excuses for human beings, in his opinion. As far as he knew, his brother, who was exactly three years younger than him was not abandoned.

"Up, Boy! UP!" Petunia screeched.

Wincing, Harry decided not to dilly-daly any more.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia." Fighting hard to keep his face from sneering, he got out of the cramped 'bed' the Dursleys has so graciously arranged for him.

"BOY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS TODAY?" Uncle 'walrus' Vernon yelled.

"23rd June, 1985?"

"IT'S MY TYKE'S BIRTHDAY, YOU FREAK! MAKE THE BREAKFAST." In this simple exchange, Vernon had metamorphed into his signature purple, making him look like a cartoon, in Harry's opinion.

Sighing, Harry got out a pan, and lit the stove. After taking out the materials, and ensuring that no one was looking at him, he waved his hand and made food for his 'family'.


Harry wathed, bored at the pathetic excuses Dudley was making to try and prevent Harry from going to the theatre.

"MUUUUM, I don't want the FREAK to go with us! He always messes up everything!" Walrus Jr. wailed.

Distracting himself from Dudley's , rant, he quickly scorfed up his food, deep in thought. The only reason why they called him freak was undoubtably his magic. What if he used it in front of them? Would they fear him? While he was in his 'trance', Vernon had been calling out to him: "BOY!". Shaking himself out of his stupor, he looked at his Uncle. "Yes, Uncle Vernon?"


Surprisingly, Harry had been allowed to come, with only a warning for 'freakish behaviour' in front of normal people. Harry had agreed, having never gone to a threatre before. Truthfully, he was quite excited to go out somewhere. He just hoped that his family left him alone. Knowing Dudly and Piers, who was Dudley's best friend, he knew that the chances of them leaving him alone were miniscule. Letting none of that bother him, he looked out of the window, marvelling at the sights outside. Before he knew it, they were at the threatre's entrance. He let the cool air conditioned air wash over him like a cleansing wave, streching. Suddenly, he fell on his face, reflexively bringing up his arm to protect his face. "Oops, sorry." Piers said in a not-so-sorry tone. Grumbling, he got up. "Keep your hands to yourself, Piers.". "Daaaad, Harry swore at Piers" Dudley singsonged to his father. Walrus Sr. glared at him. This time, he quietly did swear. Atlest as well as a senven-year old could swear. Dudley was the same age as him, and actually had quite a proficient vocabulary. In swear words. Not daring to utter another word, Harry silently followed his family to the movie. Getting inside the semi-lit, cool room, Harry walked behind the Dursleys and tried his best not to walk into an elder. This was precisely when the lights were tuned off, and the movie began. As of now, the screen was blank, and the projector was being set up. Carefully pretending as if he was holding a torch, he held his hand out, using magic to make light.

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