| Chapter 4 |

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"You couldn't have gotten immortality through magic, because you've had magic ever since you were born, just like every other wizard. But through the knowledge of the Ancients..." Harry furrowed his eyebrows together as his brain furiously worked to keep up with the implications of such a story. "You want to die like King Arthur, don't you? By giving your knowledge away to me, you're starting to age like everyone else. You broke the rules, didn't you? The Ancients warned you to never share this magic. Now, there's no turning back, and you'll keep on aging. Considering your age, you have what? Three or perhaps six more years left? You've been planning this ever since you met me, haven't you?" Harry was struck by this terrible realization. "What am l, Merlin? Your executioner? I agreed to learn this magic so I could prove that my parents were wrong for neglecting me, not so that I could kill someone! If I ever kill, it will be to protect those who are precious to me, not for my own gains!" Merlin smiled.

" Thatis the reason why I chose to give my knowledge to you before time swept me away. I am very grateful to have met you, Harry." Harry shook his head strongly, and narrowed his eyes.

"Are you daft, old man? Don't joke with me! I only studied magic in the first place to show my parents how powerful I could be. I am not learning- I repeat, not learning if the cost of that knowledge is someone else's life! I'll admit that sometimes I can be a bit of a prick- okay, a large prick!- but I'm not cruel! You're not as wise as you think you are... you're- you're just insane! This is just insane-"

"is it really?" Merlin cut in.

"W-what do you mean?" Harry asked, his composure collapsing around him.

"In all the years that I've lived, I've never seen a boy train to the point of exhaustion every single day of his life. Even l- myself, Merlin, the one you call a god?" Harry looked away as the man raised an eyebrow. "Even I do not posses that kind of resolve. You are a very talented boy, Harry. I have no doubt about you. Though tell me this, Harry: is that truly the motive behind your determination? To make your parents regretful? Or do you perhaps crave for your parents' approval more than you think? Harry stiffened, not having expected that. His palms became stick with sweat. "Do not deny your feelings, Harry. Deep within your heart, you are still waiting, yearning for their affection. Am I wrong?"

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" Harry shouted, his fists quivering. Merlin remained calm, unfazed by the outburst. "What do you know, old man? You're not the one who was abandoned to your hating relatives, who was left alone in your room every day of your childhood, wanting nothing more than a hug from your own mother! You're not the child whose father never taught you how to fly a broom! You never even met your father, because he loved you so much, he sacrificed his life for you! Don't lecture me like you know what it's like. I don't care how many years you've lived old man, you have to live through mine before you can spit out words about it!"

Harry was breathing heavily, his chest heaving up and down. It felt good to let it all out, to unleash all that agony hiding deep inside of him in one breath. He did not care that the man he had yelled at was quite possibly the most powerful being on the planet, but he had finally bared his frustration to someone. He had finally gotten rid of what he had actually felt. Merlin's eyes saddened at the sight in front of him, and he felt raw, unbridling pity for the boy. 

"Yes, you are right, Harry. I have not experienced-I'

"That's enough," Harry interrupted. "l came here fore a reason, not to have polite conversations with you. If you want to decompose to nothing, so be it, that's your choice, and I couldn't care less what you choose. Like you said, I don't understand immortality." Merlin returned his gaze to the fire. 

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