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Hello, everyone!

I know, i havent uploaded in a while, but I was having some difficulties writing (lack of motivation, primarily). Either way, Chapter 5 is right around the corner, and it's loong (6200 words as of now). Spoiler: It's mostly a filler, and its basically getting abord the Hogwarts express and some 'family' drama.

Now, to my main point.

What should I do?

Should I focus on building Harry's character?

Perhaphs Merlin's?

Or maybe Elizabeth's?

Should I add more adventure?

Maybe some drama?

Should I focus on heroics?

Or just dedicate the next five chapters to making fun of Dumbledoor?

Your opinions are of value. Please comment, and tell me how to proceed. The ideas need not be any of the ones I just mentioned; they could be unique.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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