The Fake Date

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A/N: The scene is inspired from the movie 'Fresh' of 2022. If you haven't seen that it's still okay. No needs for the context. But yeah just had to mention. Hope you like reading it.

I opened the gate, and the chill air of AC filled my body senses. My eyes were looking for him, I searched and no sooner found him sitting on one of the chairs near the counter. He say me and raised his hand doing a half wave.

"Hey!" He said with a smile drawing my attention. "Hi." I replied back coming towards him.

"How you doin'?" He said as we pulled each other into a hug and pulling away no sooner. "Good, thanks. How are you?" I said sitting on the chair infront of him. "Good. Good. This place is really good." He said looking towards the bar which was not much crowded but not empty either.

"Yeah." I replied back. "The bears are, you know..." He said didn't completing. "Yeah. It's like the perfect amount of, grimy, but hope." I said smiling a little. "Exactly." He said replying with a smile back. His brunette hair looked black from the lightings.

"Yo. You guys know what you want?" We were interrupted by the waiter asking for what do we need to drink. "Hi. Um... Can I get a Manhattan with like, as many cherries as you can spare, please?"

"Cherries, I like that." He said pointing my choice in drink. "I love it." I said. "Yeah. I'll do one more of these, thank you. Copy." He said. "Here, here you go." The waiter noted our order. He looked at waiter for a moment and then looking back at me.

"Hi." He said again.
"Hey." I replied as we chuckled a little. "I'm Y/n."
"I'm- I'm- I am Steve." He said stammering. THIS IS A LIE! I could feel myself almost screaming. "All right, so, uh... Here come the dumb questions. Where are you from?" He said scratching his chin with his hand and realising that he's wearing gloves.
I should've known the true cause of why he had those gloves.

"I'm from (country/city name) originally, what about you?"

Fading his smile for a bit he said, "I'm from Moscow, Russia."

"Oh cool." He's not from America, didn't expected that because of his accent. "So what brought you here?"

"My second resistancy."
"I'm a soilder."
"A soilder. Oh wow. That's impressive."
"Yeah. I just... I'm working here."
"So like they sent you here from the behave of..."
"Yeah, our country." He said. Honestly in movies I've usually seen that they keep it hidden but alright. He started talking more about his job and making me question a little but little did I know that it was all a trap.

"There you go." The waiter came again. "Thankyou."

"Does that work you?" The waiter asked me with a bowl of cherries. " 'Cause that's all we got."

We took our drinks. "Cheers." He said meeting his glass with mine. "So what about your family?" He asked.

This was the point where it all technically started. I could feel myself to not tell anything and just run away from the situation but I know that it cannot happen.

"Uh... Well, I don't have any siblings and my dad died when I was a kid. I'm not sure where my mum is anymore because we don't talk." I told him, repeating those permanent sentence as I always used to do when someone would ask me about my family.

"I'm sorry." The fake sympathy. "It's fine. What about your family?" He thought for a slight second, ofcourse to make up a fake answer,"My dad lives in Moscow and my mum passed away actually."

"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. It's okay." He said almost whispering.
"Well I guess we have something in common." I said smiling a little awkwardly. "Yeah, Dead parents." He said smiling back. "Yeah."
"Perfect. Let's cheers on that." He said and we did while laughing.

We started talking and drinking, he was cute and funny. I mean a little emo funny if you ask me. And talked a little too much using ancient phases. After a drink or two I was already feeling drunk, not too drunk but drunk. Everything around us felt like it was paused. I was looking to his eyes. Realising they were steel blue. I mean I ofcourse noticed it was blue, everyone can notice that if they see a person with blue eyes but exact shade and the way it made him look even more attractive was now noticeable. He didn't laugh much but gave smiles which were making me melt.

Then because of something that I said he did a nose scrunch making him lok ever more cute and like a little puppy.

Back then I felt he had a cute face never realising that he was an assassin, I mean a soilder , can't say that that one was a total lie, it was true technically.

"What?" I asked him as he looking at me as if he was reading my face. "No, you just, you have a nice smile." He said taking another sip from his drink.
'God, this might be a little to fast but I like him.' I told myself. No! No!! I felt myself screaming as if I could change what has already happened.

After the most pleasant date I had in my life as I wasn't good at dating, we went out and I was going for my car but hardly able to even walk because of the drinks I had. "Don't mind, can I drop you?" He asked. He was even a slight drunk even after having so many drinks. I thought of what he said, I don't think I should go but I honestly want to spend more time with him. "Well thank you but I can take a cab or..." I was looking at him. He was so fine. "... Or maybe fuck it." I said and he chuckled a bit.

'No!! You fucking bitch no!' I might be screaming in for real now I felt. But I just can't move myself. Can't do anything.

He brought his car, "This was miss" He said dramatically. I laughed and said,"Thank you." I sat on the front seat. I looked at him, his blue eyes were looking gorgeous in the dark. "So I live across..." I started but I felt myself too busy staring at his eyes. Then he kissed me. I melted. I reached to take a hold on his neck for better but my hand fell and now making me unconscious. He pulled himself making my body back to the normal position and my eyes were now shut.

I was screaming, screaming so hard that I might wake up the whole compound. But I just cannot move or do anything. If I had I might puch the soilder or manage to cut his left arm somehow.

"I've got the asset." It was the last thing I heard from his 'i am steve' personality. "Well done soildat." The voice through his phone said.

"Miss Y/n, Miss y/n, please wake up." The AI's voice filled my ears. My eyes opened, heavily breathing I got up and looked about, it was my room in the Avengers tower. "Fuck." I growled, wiping sweat from my forehead.

"Should I call Captain Rogers." Friday asked. "No it's fine." I told her. "May I take the details of your nightmare for the information to give your therapist later ?" It asked. "Yeah. Um.. the usual, i was with the winter soldier. I mean he said his name was Steve, can see where 'steve' must've come to his mind. Sleep paralysis." I told the AI. "Would you please give me more context of the dream ?"

"Okay so I guess it was the second time when I met Sergent Barnes. First was when he say me at grocery store and asked me for my number and then the second one was a setup of a fake date, which his team did to get me and you know, make me..." I was hesitating a bit. "The White Spy." The AI completed my words. "Yeah." Sometimes I think AIs should have a feature to hesitate before speaking.

"Called me for a date and then making me drunk and kidnapping me." I said. "Could you please tell me-" The AI started again. "No more questions please." I said getting up from my messy bed.

Tortured (Bucky Barnes x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now