Attack At The United Nations Conference

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"Почему бы нам не поиграть в игру? (Why don't we play a game?)" HYDRA's agent said. It was after I fucked up a mission of theirs. "Солдат! (Soildat!)" He called out and The Winter Soldier came. "Знаешь ли ты, что Зимний Солдат - лучший из нас? (Do you know that The Winter Soldier is the best of us?)" He said standing. "Мы хотели, чтобы вы были похожи на него. (We wanted you to be like him.)" He said walking towards me. I was tied in the chair so I wasn't able to move.

"Но ты, ты разочарование! (But you, you are a disappointment!)" He said in anger grabbing my jaw harshly. My blood started to boil already, the serum they had given made me more angry. "Ой, почему ты злишься? Сможешь ли ты победить его? Ты лучше него, Шпион? Если да, то докажите это. Если нет, то вы должны понимать, что вы приложили больше усилий, чтобы произвести впечатление на ГИДРУ.(Oh, why are you getting angry? Can you beat him? Are you better then him Spy? If yes, then prove it . If no then you should realise that you gave to work more to impress HYDRA.)" He said and untied me. He took me to a big enough cell to fight and the winter soldier followed. We both were in some shirts and pajamas instead of suits so I knew that I am not going to be well after this fight.

"Начинать!(Start!)" He said as he looked us both. I knew that The Winter Soldier wouldn't kill me. It's not what his orders are. The soilder was quick he landed a punch on my face with his metal arm. I growled and went to him, running, confusing him that I am going for his left arm but I bent and took his right leg. I tossed him to the ground. I tried to get a good grip on the leg to atleast hurt it but soilder grabbed my hair with his right hand and punched harshly with the other. He got up and a second I did to, blood was coming out of my mouth.

He tried to punch with his right arm but i took a step back and he puched the air. I grabbed his hand quickly and twisted it then landed a kick with my knee on his stomach. He backed a little and I jumped, flipping my body in the air as both of my legs hit on his face as a kick. He fell to the ground and I was back on my feet trying to catch my breath. He got up immediately, he looked frustrated, tried to puch but I bent down. He landed a punch on my stomach and then on face. He was quick enough that I didn't got time to process.

I tried to puch him with my right arm but he caught my fist with his metal arm and then swung my body. He twisted my arm and I growled in pain. He twisted it more and a sound of crack was heard. I shouted and stepped on his foot as loosened his grip. I moved fast and slapped him hard with my left hand almost making him fall. He caught my neck with his left arm and now I know that I couldn't stopped him. He choked me almost to death.

I woke up coughing heavily. I looked around breathing heavily, it wasn't night ofcourse as I was taking an afternoon nap. Natasha had gone to United Nations conference as ofcourse Steve denied. He was on a date with Sharon instead. "Ms.Y/n, I didn't wanted to intrupt you from your sleep but I have something you'd like to see." F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice filled my ears. "What?" I asked still panting.

The TV screen showed a news reporter. "There was attack held in Vienna during the United Nations conference for the sokovia accords. Killing King T'Chaka of Wakanda. From the CCTV footages it is found that the person who planted the bomb in the building was James Buchanan Barnes A.K.A The Winter Soldier."

What the fuck?

I hurried out of my bed to search for my phone I pick it up from the table and dialled Steve's number. He didn't pick it up for the first two times. "Fuck sake pick it up." The third time he rejected. And the fourth time he picked it up. "Urgh, hello y/n I told you I'd be busy." He said picking it up.

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me." I said. "I- Y/n I am on a date." He said. "I don't give a shit bro!" I shouted. "Hey, I'll call you back later." He said.

"It's about The Winter Soldier." I said. "What are you saying Y/n?" He asked in confusion. "I told you- I warned you ab-about this. I knew this would happen but you-you didn't l-listen me." I started to stammer. "What happened?" He asked again. "That son of a bitch killed the king of Wakanda!"

"Are you-are you drunk?" He asked. "And are you a super idiot? Check the news." I ordered. "Wait." He said. He must've started to Google. "What happened Steve?" I could hear Sharon.

"I don't think the news is true." He said after checking. "That's fucking UN." I said. "Bucky would never do that." He said. "What are you, his mother?" I said in disbelief. "I know Bucky. He would never do that!" He said raising his voice a bit. "And I know The Winter Soldier, hell ya he would do it." I shouted back.

There was a moment of silence and then I spoke,"How are we gonna find him? We don't even know where he is." I said. "I know." He said. "WHAT!?" I asked. "And you didn't tell me? Moreover you didn't do anything of it."

"You'd be searching for him otherwise and he was peacefully living." He said. "Oh blowing up a building is peaceful?" I can't fucking believe this man. He was about to say something but there was a knock on my door. "Y/n! Y/n!" Tony said.

I disconnected the call without saying anything. I opened the door and he walked in. "You heard about..." He looked at the TV. "... Oh you did heard about Barnes. We need to find him. Suit up Spy."

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