hUnGrY eyEss

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I was out my room now, roaming around the big corridor taking a glance at everyone's room which were on the floor Romanoff, Steve and Vision and heading towards the balcony. I was loking over the admirable view of the New York City skyline. I furrow my brows as I notice someone swinging in air. I first notice the person and then a rope type of thing. Is this Moglie or something? "Hey Friday! Can you scan that person in red hoodie out of headquarters ?"I ask. "Yes ma'am... This person is Spiderman from YouTube."

"Like an influencer." I ask. "Yes ma'am. They make edited videos of saving people which the audiance find cool. This person do not have much audiance although."

"I don't think my eyes portray edited videos live. How long has he been on YouTube?" I ask I can see the person now sitting at roof of one of the buildings. "Six months." The voice says. "I want every details of this person by morning." I say. "Okay ma'am. Shall tell about your today's working schedule?" She says.

"Yeah. Why not?" I say as I don't think I am going to sleep after the terrible nightmare. "You have a meeting in S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters at 10 a.m.. And then you have then after lunch break you have an interview at 3. And then at 6 have a meeting with Mr. Loki for the crimes he had committed in New York in previous years."

"Okay. Pretty busy I suppose." I say and head towards gym. I get there and pull out a puching bag and hand it. I wrap my finger so I don't get hurt. And start puching slow.

"You have done a great job soildat."

"Протри ее" (Wipe her.)

"Peggy Carter is dead."

"Убить Капитана Америку." (Kill Captain America.)

"Please don't wipe me. I swear I won't do anything."

"Where am I Steve?"

"NO!! NO!!"

"Ты никогда не сможешь стать великим убийцей, играя Зимним Солдатом." (You can't be great assassin as the Winter Soldier.)

"Ты разочарование." (You are a disappointment.)


"Ты не что иное, как наш питомец, чья работа - делать то, что тебе говорят." (You are nothing but just our pet whose job is to do as told.)

"Steve what are you doing?"


The series of dark memories ended as a realised the punching bag was not hanging in the air anymore it was on the ground.

"Легко с ударами." (Easy with the punches.) The voice fills the room. "Seriously? Russian?" I roll my eyes on Romanoff's comment.

"Потому что ты, должно быть, думаешь о своей русской жизни." (Cause you must be thinking about your Russian life.) She said coming inside the room. "Не назову это «русской жизнью». Звучит отстойно." (Won't call that 'Russian life'. Sounds lame.)

"Come on." She said with a laugher. I copied her actions. "Why haven't you turned on lights and ACs ?" She asks. "Well I didn't realise that they were turned on." I said. "And why are you working out in your night suit ?" She says as I look at myself. My Tom&Jerry night suit which was more what kids would prefer to wear. "In case someone attacks while I am asleep." I says and she laughs again. "Come on let's get a coffee." She says. "I drink tea dawling." I said switching to a dramatic British accent. And we both laugh and leave the gym.

Steve enters the kitchen finding the Russian dancing.

"hUnGrY eyEss, ONE LOOK AT YOU AND I CAN'T DISGUISE!" I was singing probably the worst voice of a human you would hear. "Oh fuc-" I realised Rogers was in the kitchen. "Friday Stop!" I say and the music stops.

"No no, you were going good." He says making fun me. "Hey!" I say being a little offended. "No seriously, Simon Cowell just decided to put you with One Direction." He says laughing and making me roll my eyes. "Where's Nat?" He asks. "She's in drawing room. Waiting for her coffee by the singer of hUnGrY eyEss." I say making my voice twist a bit to the way I was singing earlier. He laughs a bit and then exits. "You can sing now." Was the last thing I heard. "Put on Bruno Mars Friday." I call out.

We in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters and the meeting was going on between Fury, Wilson, Rogers and me.
The purpose of the meeting was the updates we got from the super-people around the country which we found, and conspiracies about people trying to make super heros.

"So we still have to find more about Scott Lang." Wilson finishes. "Anybody else?" Fucky asks. "Well I got a know about a person called Spiderman." I say raising my finger a bit. "Anything dangerous?" Fury asks. "No. Not to my knowledge. He's just a 14 year old kid. Have some kind of Spiderman named Peter Parker. Wasn't able to find much about him as I found about him early this morning. He just helps old people, kids and sometimes stop bullies around New York."

"Do you think his parents know about all this?" Rogers asks. "He don't have parents anymore. They died. He lives with his relative. I get more info about him."

"Doesn't seem like a danger. Captain what about the people in Turkey trying to copy Ironman's suit?" Fury says. "Well it wasn't the government ofcourse. Some people tried to do it. Illegally. And ofcourse failed." He said. Nobody can be like Tony. He's the one and only Ironman. "I think we are." Fury says driving me out of my thoughts as I realised everyone started to wrap up.

Wilson almost got up when I said, "Any update on The Winter Soldier?" I ask. "Bucky." Steve corrects me. "No but we're trying our best." Fury says giving me the same answer for the hundredth time. "Argh. Are you even searching for him?" I say. "We are. But he cannot be out main focus. Wherever he is, he is not with harming anyone. He must be living in peace." Fury says.

"And how can you be sure about that?" I say not realising anger as started showing in my voice. "HYDRA is down. No sign of any bad actions by him." He says. "But-"
"The meeting is dismissed."

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