09. judge, jury, executioner.

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season two, episode eleven

      Emory couldn't help but glare at Andrea, Andrea had allowed Beth to nearly kill herself

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  Emory couldn't help but glare at Andrea, Andrea had allowed Beth to nearly kill herself. She understood Beth's reasoning but she hated that Andrea would just help her and stand by while it happened.

"So what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan," Lori said to Rick as she poured Carl some boiled water while everyone gathered around outside.

"Is there a plan?" Andrea asked pacing with her hands in her pocket.

"We gonna keep him here?" Glenn questioned, making Shane look to Rick. Emory was surprised he didn't have something smart to say.

"We'll know soon enough," Rick answered, the group turned their heads to see Daryl approaching with his crossbow on his back.

"Boy there's got a gang, thirty men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna—they're gonna wish they were," Daryl said with blood on his knuckles.

"What did you do?" Carol asked.

"Had a little chat,".

"No one goes near this guy," Rick said.

"Rick, what are you gonna do?" His wife asked.

"We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat," Rick said frustrating Emory, if he had left that boy then they wouldn't be in the problem they're in now but Rick Grimes was a good man trying to do the right thing.

"You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asked.

"It's settled. I'll do it today," Rick said before walking off, Dale chasing after him.

"Is he serious?" Emory asked Glenn and the boy shrugged. They risked their lives to save him, it just felt like a waste to end his now. But after what Daryl said, the thought of thirty men showing up and killing everyone, potentially worse, had her blurring the lines of right and wrong.

She found herself in her room, on her knees infront of the mirror with her rosary in her hand as she prayed to God. She asked him for forgiveness for letting her thoughts justify violence and murder. She didn't want to become a person that found death necessary. She needed to believe in the redemption of man.

She needed to let the dark thoughts that plagued her since this all began, leave her mind. She'd have to forgive herself for shooting that man, she'd have to forgive Shane for hurting her, she'd have to forgive the dead for killing her parents.

"My mercy prevails over my wrath," she whispered, placing her lips on her rosary.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Everyone gathered around Hershel's living room, the tension in the air awkwardly thick as Emory held a bag of frozen peas to her eye. Shane stared at her, no remorse in his eyes but she had to let it go.

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