18. the suicide king.

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season three, episode nine

       Her fingers thrummed against the large rifle

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       Her fingers thrummed against the large rifle. Listening as the Governor pit Daryl and Merle against eachother, she sat up and propped her gun atop the dumpster with Maggie doing the same beside her.

Maggie fired the first shot, shooting down one of the walkers, a henchmen had brought while Rick threw smoke bombs into the crowd. Emory watched as Maggie shot a girl dead, and people screamed.

Emory aimed for the lights, watching as the man that called himself the governor pulled out a gun. She stared at the bandage that wrapped around his head, covering his eye that Michonne had mentioned she had jammed a shard of glass into.

The trio watched the people scramble, Rick held a flashlight looking for Daryl. The moment Daryl and Merle ran by they grabbed them and made a run out of Woodbury.

Rick held his gun up, prepared to shoot anyone they saw as they approached the busses.

"They're all at the arena. This way," Merle said running toward the exit.

"You're not going anywhere with us," Rick yelled.

"You really want to do this now?" Merle asked, running toward the wall. He slammed a panel down while the others stood guard.

"Rick, come on. We've got to go," Daryl said, running past the gate to see Merle killing walkers.

"A little help would be nice," he said causing Maggie to shoot a walker dead.

"We ain't got time for this," he yelled running.

"Let's go," Daryl said following after his brother. The girls gave Rick a questionable look but he nodded, forcing them all to run before they were killed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

      "Glenn!" Rick yelled as the group made their way through the woods, towards the car , towards Glenn and Michonne.

"Rick. Rick, oh thank God" Glenn said, him and Michonne running toward the group.

"Now we got a problem here. I need you to back," Rick said. Michonne drew her sword and Glenn his gun at the sight of Merle.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Glenn yelled pointing his gun at Merle.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Rick said stepping infront Michonne as she charged toward Merle with her sword up.

"Hey, put it down!" Daryl yelled.

"He tried to kill me!" Michonne yelled. Rick yelled for her to drop her sword but she didn't budge.

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