04 - Morals & Destiny

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Savage's POV:

I would much rather be at the club, beer in hand and mate on my lap - preferably naked. But alas i thought it a good idea to take over this stupid club so now i have to be here.

The new security manager isn't much of a talker but I guess he doesn't need to talk when his looks talk for his work. Big frame. Strong arms. Lifeless face.

"So your team will be happy with the payment?"

He has been staring at the contract for the last 20 minutes, it's surely enough to cover his skills and his discretion.

"It is done. I shall have it on your desk by tomorrow." Hmm, so all that brooding was for nothing - he was going to agree anyways.

Standing I make a show of appearing bigger then I am, widening my shoulders, pushing out my meek beta scent, smouldering my eyes. The act has been engraved in me since my designation appeared all those years ago.

I will not be looked upon as less.

"Well gentlemen, Liam here will escort you out. You are done for this night but I look forward to working with you."

With business out of the way I'm more than eager to see my mate. Maybe I can convince him to come with me to my office, for old times sake.

Turning the corner that leads me out to the balcony over looking the bar, my eyes immediately zero in on where I left my troublesome Omega.

Hmm he stayed where he was told, that's a surprise.

Despite Cade's Omega designation he behaves far from what the rest of his kind do.

He is less submissive, less in need of coddling and touch and certainly larger than most. It's what drew me to him, he was different... no. He was beyond what his designation made him to be.

Like me.

Moving closer to the railing that over looks the bar I can see my Omega better, revealing he is not alone.


A woman stands in his arms. This is unlike Cade he has never been unloyal and would certainly never let someone take advantage of him like that.

I wait for the possessive spark to flare to life that demands I go claim my Omega and show everyone here, including that woman bunched up in his arms, that he belongs to me and my pack.

Yet... that feeling never comes. No, it's more like I feel drawn to her. I should feel guilty, I already have an Omega.

The Women is small, her hair set in loose curls over her back. She wears a short skirt and top but from this angle I can't see her face.

She has to be an Omega but Cade would never be embracing another Omega like this, with such unwavering care and tender touches.

It's times like this were I wish I could have a bond with him, know his feelings... But the stubborn Omega has been holding out on the rest of us. With King being the only one to have his mark on Cades neck.

Our Omega hadn't been hesitant to let us court him two years ago.

Pack Sanchez, the leading pack of the deathly arrows Mc. We were scent matches after all...

However, he had always seemed half there during the starting stages.

It was only a year ago when he finally told us it was because he lost his mate... an omega female he grew up with. Naturally we had many questions of this unheard match but he never gave us the whole story. It was always met with a sneer or the cold shoulder.

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