05 - Numbers & Packs

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King's POV:

Somethings not right.

My back aches from sitting over my desk all day and well into the night.

I should be out with my men, joining them for tonights festivals of booze and music or even huddled up with my Omega in his nest, but I'm not. I'm here in my cold room trying to fix the clubs latest money problems. 

Cades out with Savage tonight and I can feel his happiness through our bond so I know not to worry about him tonight. That leaves my focus on our finances, our very negative looking finances.

Ever since last month when Damon and Clay left we've been rounding out negative numbers. The shipments are all correct, no complaints from our clients and yet the numbers aren't lying. Rather my math is of (unlikely.)

Or... we've got a rat.

When I took over the role as Club president I was young. I was young enough to still be fresh with ideas of change and the want for open road and success and now while I still want all those things, I find myself questioning if this is truly what I do want.

I have always loved to ride, I've always been good with maths and my hands. Every man I've met has said I hold the power to command and if they don't believe I do I make them respect me.

It's these qualities and the trust of my fellow brothers that got me to this position.

 After my Uncle was brutally murdered in a shipment gone wrong with our rival club the  poisoned snakes, I was voted the next president of our club with little arguments or hesitations.

Running my hands though my hair I sigh. Frustration grates at my nerves and without my omega here to sooth me and the looming numbers with no answers I have no want for beer or company outside of my pack.

The sound of buzzing reaches my ears as I locate it to my phone. Savages name pops up on the screen and my first thought is that Cade is in danger somehow. But no.. as I pull on the bond between us all I feel is his happiness, his joy and is that arousal?

I haven't felt Cade this happy in.... in ever.

I rush to answer my phone, sliding my finger along the answer button to shut up its noise and ask why Cade is in such a pleasant and well- horny mood.

"Is Cade alright?"

Savage lets out a light chuckle as I interrupt his awfully cheery greeting. Savage cheery?

There is definitely something going on....

"Savage. Put my Omega on the phone now, his Alpha wants to speak to him."

I hear shuffling on the other end of the phone as whispers are passed between the two men.

"Yes Alpha?" Comes Cade's voice through the phone. I feel myself take a relived sigh even at just the familiar sound of his voice.

"Why are you whispering and why are you so happy?" I demand, trying to reign in the growl in my voice.

I wait a long time before I hear an answer.

I don't wait for no one but for my Omega, my weakness, I will allow it - especially while he is in such a pleasant mood.

"King. I've found her, I've found my butterfly and I'm keeping her and I don't care what you say. Savage has already agreed with me that she is mine and... well we can't scent her right now but even he feels a pull to her. She's the missing piece, Alpha. I know it and I need her King. I need her and I think the pack needs her as well."

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