06 - Dirt & Pillows

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Faye's POV:

The trees roll pass us at lightening speed as I hold tighter to savages back. Cade insisted on me backpacking with him on his bike, but without the extra seat it was impossible.

So with a beating heart that felt as thought it may leave its containments at every turn, I hopped onto savages death mobile.

With Cade following close behind I know I need not worry.

They are both experienced drivers and we were apparently only 20 minutes away from the club property and their private pack house.

I feel nervous, I feel so overwhelmed and vulnerable.

Only last night I found myself back at my childhood home, lost and with no hope for my future. Then by the next day I was at some club way out of my comfort zone and now...

Now I'm about to meet my first and only loves pack, who he also thinks will become my pack because I'm going to be their scent match.

I don't have it in me to discourage him.

The universe has never been kind to us before so why would it start now.

Allowing us to be together in a pack full of compatible matches would just be too unlikely - something out of a romance book that you would gobble up but know deep down would never happen in the real world.

And without my sense of smell I fear I may never be able to fully trust the match. My past has left me fearful, I am no longer the naive and hopeful young omega I once was.

The road twist and turns underneath us as savage keeps to a steady pace which is no doubt only for me.

The simple act makes my heart warm.

I think back to the club where I was sandwiched between the mated omega and beta. Their hands and tongue driving me wild with desire until it became too much. Not having to return the favour is something unfamiliar to me.

I feel my cheeks turn red under the helmet.

Thank God for this helmet and the blurry vision caused by the speed, because there is no way they wouldn't have noticed my blush and known exactly where my thoughts were.

Although I'm not exactly experienced - I'm not innocent either. The previous pack I had shared my heats with, until they deemed me unworthy, were able to satisfy my needs but always expected their desires to be fulfilled in ten fold.

Was this not how it always went?

My thoughts come to a halt as I watch the passing tress become more populated as we take a final turn down a long dirt road.

I don't know what I was expecting but the clubhouse is spread upon acres of grassy land, Well maintained and yet wild enough that it calms my inner beast.

Dirt paths connect together the main house, road, six other much smaller buildings and a large rustic house.

One of these must be the pack house and the larger one in the centre is probably the clubhouse.

I expect Savage to follow the dirt road to the end, where the largest building stands but he turns off the road and continues driving till we reach the house the farthest away from the others.

This must be the pack house. The outside yard is lined with stones that lead up to the giant red door. I can't help but feel like when I step foot into that door, my life will take a full 360 and I hope that this time it's in my favour.

Hunter's POV:

The rhythmic clinks of my axe against the wood helps calm my racing mind.

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