02 - Graduation & Rust

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Chapter Two - Present:

Faye's POV:

Three years later and nothing has changed at home, save a few more broken panels. At least when I was at that horrible Academy I knew what was expected of me, I had a home and someone I was supposed to be.

Here back at home I have no idea what to expect and can't help but feel like that same scared little girl who was desperate enough to accept anything if it meant escaping this destiny.

The Omega Academy had set me up with four attempts of courting with packs, but when they found out I wasn't a normal Omega that was all.

They left me with a parting pity gift and moved onto the next Omega.

Even the last pack who I thought would finally move past my defects and had chosen me - all went to shit when they met their scent match, their mate.

Vivian was everything I wasn't, she was curvy in all the right places. Her scent wasn't too sickly sweet and uncontrollable , she could smell, she was guaranteed to reproduce and could actually have proper and regular heats.

I wished I could hate her, resent the girl for taking away my one chance at a family but she was truly a beautiful Omega inside and out. If fate had been different we would have been wonderful friends.

Trying not to let the rejection play on my mind any longer, I take the last step through the door seeking any forms of life in the cold home of my childhood. "Father?"

The sound of talking comes from the kitchen. I follow the sounds avoiding cans and what looks like tissues.

"And who are you? Is this another one of your whores Geralt? An Omega really?" The shrill voice cuts of when my brother lets out a loud chuckle. "That is my sister you idiot and for the last time I wasn't cheating on you, we were on a break."

Geralt's gaze turns my way as he walks passed what I can only assume is his lover. "Where have you been dear sister, I presumed when you disappeared you had found yourself a pack and left the rest of us here to rot in this hell hole."

"I was at the Omega Academy, well I was forced there. I'm back now, they didn't want me if I wasn't aiding their goal of Alpha - Omega pairings to repopulate."

If he has any reaction to my revelation his face doesn't show it, instead he just looks me up and down and says, "Father's in his room, he has been getting worse over the last couple months so I suggest you stay clear unless you want to deal with his fits."

I go to reply to him but he cuts me off with a look - the 'don't interrupt me look' he has used on me thousands of times before.

"Oh and Faye? I also used your room for my spare shit so you're going to have to sleep out here or something."

I don't know why I expected anything different when I returned. Anything other than the harsh reality check I just received would be unaccustomed.

I feel my Omega instincts stir deep within my chest, the one thing me and her can agree on is that we like having a plan and right now we are spiralling out of control.


Grabbing the same duffle bag I used all those years ago, I head to my once room - now spare room and drop to settle on the bare mattress. The rusted springs creak as I sit on it.

"What do I do now?"

The urge to curl up in some blankets and cry is strong but I reign it back in.

At least that stupid Academy was good for something, while there I came into my omega a bit more.

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