03 - Home & Mistakes

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Faye's POV:

The music is loud, the lights too bright, but the feeling of absolute abandonment makes me move my body in time with the stranger behind me.

His arms surround me as his fingertips stroke against my arm, up and down.

What if I just?

Moving my back into his I sway my hips into his crotch feeling the start of his erection press against my ass.

I must be doing something right and for the life of me I can't be bothered to listen to that little nagging voice that is telling me to stop and look out for danger.

I don't know if it's the drinks or the build up of this shitty day, my shitty life but I feel.. happy? Free?


"What's your name?"

He leans down to my ear and whispers in a husky voice that has me shivering and not because of his warm breath or deep rumble of his voice but the words he says. "I am Ezekiel, little Omega. Are you here alone?"

The reminder of my designation has me backing up.

I'm so stupid. Sometimes I forget that just because I can't smell doesn't mean others can't. But those scent blockers Hayley gave me should have eliminated my scent and just by looking at me you can't tell i'm an Omega... Right?

Grabbing his arm I gently brush it off my shoulder trying to make a quick escape. "Uhh, I need to go find my friend."

Pivoting on my heels I walk away from the tangle of bodies and flashing lights to the bar where I last saw Hayley talking with some women.

My eyes scan across the faces with no luck. "Where is she?" I mutter under my breath.

"Lost someone sweetheart?"

That voice. I know that voice.

My eyes wonder once again only to stop when i'm met with the face of my old friend.


"Faye is that you?

Stumbling I try to take a step away, I can't let him smell me. But those scent blockers should hopefully not trigger him..

When Cade left the academy I was told my scent had aggravated some Omegas. It was sickly sweet and irritated Omegas and some Alphas, driving them to get violent.

I had saw it that day at the academy the day we reunited and another with one of the packs I was courting.

I don't want to hurt him.

"S-stay back. I don't want you to get affected by my scent. Please Cade." I turn my head to him, pleading with my eyes but he doesn't remain seated and instead rises out of his chair, making a bee-line straight towards me.

"Affected? I'm not going to claim you Faye. Don't worry I know you're packed up, I just wanna say hey."

Packed up? Claimed? What is he talking about.

Before I have any time to question him he wraps his arms around me.

Has he gotten taller or more muscly, Is that even possible?

"After all this time that's what you want to know?" He chuckles realising my tensed up frame.

"Oh, I didn't mean to say that allowed. But Cade this isn't safe I don't want to get you angry."

He looks down into my eyes, eyebrows pinched together in confusion.

"What? Why would I get angry? Please Faye just have a drink with me, I want to talk to you. You know not in all the years since we've met have I stoped thinking about you - which I know is wrong to admit now that we are both packed up."

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