01 - Honey & Chocolate

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Chapter One - 3 Years Earlier:

Faye's POV:

I shrug my duffle bag off my shoulder and onto the polished floors almost wanting to laugh at how pathetic it is. My whole life packed into one small moldy bag, the outside doing justice to the random trash I packed that passed as valuable or sentimental inside.

If it wasn't for that stupid Alpha at the gas station I would have still been in my shitty town probably working at that shitty gas station, looking after my shitty father and waiting for any pack that would take a defected Omega like me.

That Alpha in his fancy suit had taken one look at me and was already calling up the authorities.

"What's a young, lone omega like you doing somewhere like here, hunny?" His voice wasn't rough or slurring with disdain like I was used to, but his tone was unsettling almost like I was a delicate scared animal he wanted to befriend.

My sassy remarks must have not scared him off like I had intended because next thing I know three big scary betas are entering my fathers house demanding I come with them.

One look at the peeling wallpaper and my father passed out cold on the floor and they knew they had me without a fight or any troubles.


Moving across the room proves difficult without looking at the nest sitting idly in the middle.

My heart pings as I think about making it mine, but would I even know what to do with it? Too afraid to disappoint myself, I settled on the window seal instead.

This - I decided is my new bed, it's big enough to lay across and has a view of the gardens down below that look like the realest thing here. At least the room is clean and it looked like there was an ensuite through that half open door.

The thought of a closing door and hot water almost makes me feel better, if not for this crippling loneliness that fills me.

I'm used to being ignored but never alone, no - the sound of utter silence has my palms sweating despite the cooling system blasting through my room.

"Knock, Knock. It's Sirena, Omega."

Her muffled voice comes through the door sounding irritated.

Releasing the air bundled in my lungs I climb down from the window seal and swiftly pass the nest, avoiding eye contact like it would notice if I looked at it and mock me. When I reach the door I quickly plaster my best real looking smile on my face and open it.

The door swings open with ease revealing an elder looking women that has the features of an Omega. If I could smell I bet she would smell of something mild like daisy or maybe parchment paper.

Her frowning gaze follows my whole body. "You're expected down in the common room in 10 minutes, here you will spend your afternoons socialising with the other Omegas. Okay?"

My smile almost feels real at the thought of being in a room of people again, even if it is rich snobby omegas who I no doubt have nothing in common with.

"Yes uhhh- Ma'am?"

Her replying scoff leaves me feeling defeated as I shuffle to close the door, already over this interaction with the scowling older women.

Shuffling quickly to where I dumped my belongings I unzip the bag and shuffle through a few clothing items and pick out the most presentable ones.

"What does one wear to make their first appearance with the people they will be spending the next three years with. Option one, hoodie and jeans or option two, hoodie and miniskirt."

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