1- Awoken

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    Red. Red hasn't ever been my favorite color. Red has always been very prodding towards me, yet It has to be my choice of color. It's like when girls say that they hate pink, then paint their room that same shade for the 'Barbie aesthetic'. This red is no different. The stream of mine intertwined with the bathroom countertop, the only barrier was a band-aid that was violently ripped off in a last-ditch effort to apply some extra healing medicine on my lousy finger before I was late. It wasn't like Neosporin, it was more like the goo of under-activated slime that would stick to whatever touched it, including the other finger I used to apply the sickening-scented, rotten, orange goo on my cut.

"That would do, for now at least," I said, unsure about the stench that was coming from my little finger. With my wrist, I turned on the sink to wash the applicating finger and free it from the nauseating ointment. I scrambled from cabinets to drawers, shelves, to closet. It was my second go as I found the box of band-aids that I needed. I gingerly opened the box, then pulled out a scrawny little band-aid from its nest. I slowly peeled the husk of plastic off the cloth adhesive and placed it on my ooze-slathered cut. It took two glances at my phone to realize I would be late if I didn't hurry myself to the closet to change.

I slowly undressed, then cloaked myself in my collared shirt and sweater. I quickly dressed into my khakis. I pulled my socks up, tied my shoes in a great knot, and headed back for the bathroom. I grabbed the bag I normally carry when there are trips like this. I poked and prodded my bookshelf and desk for equipment I might need for the trip, and took a quick look around to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. For good measure, I added the ointment in a plastic bag just in case I needed it.

I nearly fell down the stairs when I was bolting down it. I stopped right at the last step. How could I forget that? I need it. I ran up the stairs into my bedroom. I looked under my bed and grabbed a small jewelry box. As I opened it, I heard the creaking of the music and an old spring, making the small ballerina twirl unevenly. I fingered the bracelet, and It made its way to my wrist. Its green and blue colors reminded me of the earth. She wanted to be an astronaut, I thought after tucking the box away. I ran down the stairs and as I was trying to get out of the door, I was stopped by my mum.

"Who are you?" She scoffed.

"It's me, your child, Oliver Xernom," I said, trying to her memories of me.

"I don't know an Oliver, let alone even having a child." She said, raising her voice.

"But Mum-" I said but stopped.

"Get out!" She screamed, causing me to sprint for the door.

My face was painted with terror. Athazagoraphobia was rumbling deep inside my mind. After my dad died, my Mum shut everyone out and acted like a pure zombie. Me and my younger sister, Mayseigh, had to force her to eat and drink, so she wouldn't die. It was after Mayseigh was killed due to a sickness that Mum developed dementia. I had to get to school and fast for that nature survival skills test.

The walk was about 3 miles to the school in the small Wyoming town I lived in, so Instead of walking, I ran. I ended up getting there In fifteen minutes. As I got my finger pricked, ID given, and registered into the program, I was handed my gun, gun back sling, and ammunition pack that I strapped onto me, filled with 300 rounds of bullets for my AK-47. I was also given a small metal card that had a barcode on it. As I scanned it, a hologram was fabricated, and a powerful voice started talking to me.

"Hello Oliver Xernom, and welcome to this year's Nature survival skills test. I am the director of this event, Bruck Tawny." He said in the cyan mist-like hologram.

"My goal for all the students here is to be ready for the outdoors, In case of an emergency, like a camping trip gone wrong or an unexpected technology overtake." He paused.

"We have this class because not all students had a present guardian who was willing to teach them, so we have this optional test that is full outdoors, for you guys to have some idea on what to do or how to do things. This test won't be just testing your book smarts, but also your teamwork with your teammates." He said, then presented the next misty slide with mugshot-like photos.

"Your accomplices are:"

"Taylor Smith, A good gatherer and in herbal study. Male. 14. Grade 9. Rank 25," He continued naming kids around the age I am.


"Gort Aberknak, A weapons specialist with a permit for a flamethrower and SMG. Male. 15. Grade 10. Rank 21,"

"You will be graded on these 3 criteria:"

"Ability to act off of the books.

Your ability to stay alive in the wild.

The ability to work as a team." He stopped and coughed.

"In case you find your team in a predicament, there is a flare gun located on the higher-ranked individual in your group. You only use it for emergencies when a plane is present in the sky." He says, and then a step-by-step comic shows how to use the flare gun.

"After this message, you are to find your group and stay put before the bus arrives to take you to the airport. Good luck, and may your survival skills win." Just then, an unfamiliar seal appeared for a millisecond, then the school stamp glitched back in. I was sketched out but then was reminded that they had to take a little bit of your blood to make sure you attended this school, So I resumed opening the heavy door to the hallway.

I walked down the halls into the large cafeteria, which was not crowded. I was nervous, but I couldn't let anything stop me. I sat down on one of the benches and listened to my stomach's cries for substance. I shook my head as I slowly started to accept this fate. I tried finding my wallet, but just couldn't find it. I checked my bag again as if something would change, but still no. As I just accepted I was going to be hungry and there were no loopholes for me to work out, and I was fine with that. I felt two arms hugging my neck.

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